Does the caterpillar know that it will turn into a butterfly?
Does it simply plod along, eating and inching its way through life’s stress, unconcerned for the future, aware of only the present? Or does it know what’s coming, anxiously awaiting the day when it will break forth from the chrysalis and spread its wings?
I am the caterpillar. Do I continue my story as is or do I change my story, and by changing my story allow myself to dictate my future?
Does it simply plod along, eating and inching its way through life’s stress, unconcerned for the future, aware of only the present? Or does it know what’s coming, anxiously awaiting the day when it will break forth from the chrysalis and spread its wings?
I am the caterpillar. Do I continue my story as is or do I change my story, and by changing my story allow myself to dictate my future?
Beautifully written Pam. I think it's a little of both. The caterpillar must know on some level that the big change is coming but probably is totally about being in the present moment and trusting that the sift will come at precisely the right time.
That's a hard thing for me to do, I totally want to jump ahead into the transformed state.
I am so ready for the shift from this to that but for now I guess we hold both pieces with trust.
the caterpillar can't skip the coccoon stage, can she? She has to go through the great undoing to be reborn the butterfly...
that's the transformation.
She can dream of the wings, but has no idea of how to get there...
The question is:
have you let yourself go IN to the crysalis?
Or are you dancing on the edges?
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