Monday, October 22, 2007

Experience Last Night

It was about 11pm and I was on the computer. I looked down at my hands, and the veins were all plumped out. I felt fine but noticed it.

Now I had that manic sort of energy yesterday. I thought of doing some trauma work, but went to bed instead as I felt fine.

At 2am I woke up. It felt like I had been bounced into bed, I slammed back into my body WHAM. I sat up and started to wake T because I couldn't get my breath. I mean, it was like I had forgotten HOW to breathe. They wouldn't inflate. Just then, I managed to get a big gulp of air, and then another, so I never woke T.

My heart was slamming in my chest, my whole center was on fire and I had to get up and walk around the house. It cleared pretty quick. No images at all...except of bazooka bubblegum. A large bright pink sticky mass as I was coming back into the body.

Anyone else have an odd night last night?


Bo said...

Sounds like Sleep Apnea.

Bo said...

Nothing unusual. Flashing all night long. It hot flashes where light the neighbors would have to put black out shades on their windows to get any sleep at night.

Bo said...

I would track the pink bubble gum thread.

Bo said...

Oh one more thing, Gastric Reflux can leave you with the same experience.

Tea Cup

Bo said...

Lets see "bubble gum thread" ... "Gastric Reflux". Hmmmm. You see how my mind works, holding both possiblities having seen both possiblities and experienced both multiple times the NP and the Healer. So how do I smelt them into one? It doesn't have to be this or that, it can be this and that. When I figure it out, how to embrace both rather than fighting with each. They argue like little children "I'm right no I'm right". That is the key I think, they have to learn to play together because I'm damn tired of being the referee.

Thanks Joy, another insight.

Anonymous said...

YES. weird weird weird dreams. very weird. so strange wrote it all down and just let it go because it was so strange and different from usual weird dream category...wonder whats up...

Pam said...

I also had a very vivid and weird dream about three black panthers which left me with fear in the pit of my stomach for about an hour after the alarm woke me up at 5:00 a.m. on Monday morning.

Joy! said...

yeah-something was up.
As I sent this post I actually saw Bo write "sleep apnea". LOL

It was different though...can't explain that. It was like I had forgotten HOW to breathe. I sat up in bed. I was wide awake. And it was that bouncing thing-

but I had been having waves of that adrenaline thing all evening too. I don't know-absolutely nothing like it since. And last night was peaceful.

Joy! said...

I don't have acid reflux either.
But good ideas both of them, for the physical.
now as to the bubblegum..and that bright pink-I can still see it to the right. Weird.