Wednesday, October 24, 2007

cultivating openness

There is nothing more beautiful than watching someone in their power in that calm centered grounded space....Its strong is ancient its wise. Ive been thinking a lot about this idea of what beauty and power means to me - its this strength and confidence that is so authentic that can be witnessed in certain people who are in their center in their root, when someone is open to experience and not living in fear of future or past.

Its a grounded feeling of watching someone in the moment, in a moment. Someone who quietly has center and holds it, its neither aggressive nor assertive, its almost the opposite thats happening like a steady strong rock amidst an ocean. And that silence has a depth and intensity and has more power and strength than ive really understood before at a visceral and conscious level....hmmm interesting.

I know I feel this when I am open. I am centered. There are no questions there are no answers, its just open and it creates the most beautiful authentic sacred space. Its this intense strength that before felt almost unnerving and foreign and i kept trying to tip toe around and between but now feels like what I had been missing and not been able to own before or see clearly. I am in an experience I am curious, I learn, I grow, I feel empowered, I feel inspired, I feel creative, I feel alive, I feel beautiful.


Its like returning to something thats always been there, ive always known. Its very primal. Its not found in language or gesture or anything that is a symbol or sign or expression of the original, it IS the original, this fearless strong space with the voice the song the feral raw heart beating breath root.


CatherineAnn said...

Your words resonated with me and I feel what you are saying. I can feel the stillness, the open. Thanks for posting.

Joy! said...


WITH THE VOICE. That's the flute. See, even when you are not here, you are doing the same work!

Bo said...

Lauren, I feel nothing can be added to these words of wisdom. So very profound and aligned. Thank you