Monday, October 1, 2007


Being in pieces
Going to pieces
Pieces to the puzzle
Putting the pieces together

Such a lifelong metaphor for me. It's in my language, and my thinking. It's part of tracking, healing, relating.
As an artist, I painted big pictures on tiles-all in pieces, that had to be Numbered and installed just the right way.
A single image created on multiple surfaces...that doesn't appear unless you have them all.
They have to all be there, or you can get the wrong picture, can't you?

Pieces to Peaces
could be the title hmmm?

That detective archetype I always seem to have available, collects pieces
The energy comes in in pieces
Images are in pixels, which are pieces

and then they get assembled
without the ability to assemble, we just have pieces
a lot of mess. and some people are overwhelmed with the pile of pieces. For me though it makes sense. All those piles.
Just keep sorting and focus in on the patterns that start to show up within the chaos.

We know the universe isn't random. There is an underlying order to everything. There is always a pattern
there is always order even within the chaos, and the birthing from it.

If we are too close, all we have is chaos. When we step back we see the edges, find the borders

It's no accident that I always have loved puzzles. Have done them forever.
And maybe it is that training, the puzzle training?
Find the border, the edge, and let that hold your work, and then within that border, find the patterns out of the randomness.
Sort for color, for shape.

Isn't that the same with the shamanic work? Define the edge, with the beads, then do the work within?
The beads, the puzzles, the frame, it isn't a limitation so much as a container to allow us to focus in.
Like turning the aperature of your camera.
If you want to focus in on a single leaf and you have your wide angle lens on, all you get is fuzzy. Too much information.
You have to choose a different lens, a differnt focal length. You have to let yourself agree to look, and use the tools you have so that you aren't fighting yourself.

I go back to using the beads whenever I want to focus in, look into a part of me with greater clarity. It's like changing the aperature from distant to close up.


Jacqueline Brown, said...

I resemble alot of what you have said.
I love puzzles, I love being a detective....
So since the BIP, work has that changed? I wonder if pieces is a strategy, because of not all parts of the brain working together? Having to look at things in smaller chunks if you will?

Pam said...

You forgot one - how about just flat out missing or losing pieces? Of course, this connotation implies that the pieces can never be retrieved, as in letting bygones be bygones.

Joy! said...

I used to really FEEL myself working so hard inside-it was all the rerouting because of freeway closures!

It seems to flow better.
And I'm not nearly as lost in time as I was-even on that recent drive. I'm thinking I should take another little trip to Vegas and see for myself if it's different.
Anybody want to come along?

We could get some great desert pics! :)

Pam said...

Now, that would be fun. I could just see us as a group waving our hands around a Wheel of Fortune to bring in good juju energy.

Bo said...

I would like to go with you chics to Vegas and play in the Desert. Even a trip to Moab would be fun.

Beautiful reflection Joy. Thanks for sharing.