I had a strange dream the other night that I havent been able to get off of my mind. It happened after I had woken up in the middle of the night then I fell asleep I guess had the dream - somehow wrote down a few words in some altered state about the dream I guess I knew I had to- then forgot about it until i opened my notebook yesterday evening. Here goes: I was sitting on the beach next to or in a giant beach nest with eggs - looked like turtle eggs - but in the burrow of the nest the hole entry across from me ( i was sort of in it) there was this giant frog in this sort of entrance to burrow laying eggs - the frog and I made eye contact it was swollen and breathing heavily and I thought oh no dont get to close its laying eggs time to get out of here.
When I woke up I guess in delirious state to write it down I just remember thinking this is really meaningful. I dont know if it is or if I was just sleepy who knows but its stayed on my mind...
Its bizarre what dreams feel really symbolic- this one just felt very significant to me...
Any ideas?
I found this:
- Reminder of common bonds with all life
- Singer of songs that celebrate the most ancient watery beginnings
- Transformation
- Cleansing
- Understanding emotions
- Rebirth
Also Ive had flies in here like crazy and another roach last night! I dont know whats going on - do the animals know something that i dont? There coming in here for refuge? Its never been like this and my place is more immaculate than ever? Ive never ever had roach issues??? NYC is back on some strange high alert cops in all subways ive been noticing it for days it feels very weird...good thing im getting out of here...
Found this too:
In general, insects and amphibians are associated with transitions, alterations and transformations.
Hmm lets hope so these insect raids are getting to be a bit much...i mean im transforming im ready!
I think all dreams are revelatory, especially when they have strong feeling attached.
You thought they were turtle eggs, maybe because it feels like this creation is coming slowly. "Slow and steady wins the race."
Sounds like birth and creation to me.
Swollen frog, retaining water? Water = emotion, retaining emotion? Hard breathing, also emotion. Also sounds like hard labor.
Are you the guardian of the nest?
I don't know why the creepy crawlies are shouting at us so loudly but I have noticed this more than ever this year. Their song seemed unusally loud this summer , esp for Utah. I had more spiders, beetles and flies in the house. After class there was a beautiful moth on the floor of my bedroom. I knelt down and looked at her for the longest time, so beautiful. However the next morning she had died there, her wings now folded together like hands in prayer. ???
I remember it raining frogs at the end of the movie Magnolia. For me frogs are about cleansing. Bo sounds right on with her comments. I have used the Betty Betard book and if you want an easy was to understand your dreams ask to dream with the symbols from the book. It works really well.
I wonder what would happen if in the dream you stayed in the nest instead of leaving when you understood the frog was laying eggs. Or What would it be like to stay present with the emotion during the birthing process?
ohh good stuff...i need to think about that..i also love the magnolia movie reference CA that was a huge marker for me 10 yrs ago - and im clearing my 10 years and wrapping it up...interesting... thanks guys
Eggs and nests have been a prevalent theme for me for the last year, even to the extent of burning a very large annoying one in a fire ceremony. They started out representing just what you would think - home and family - and the many trials I've been through with both. But for the last couple of months they've been transfigured to represent wealth and abundance - the proverbial 'nest egg.' I agree with the frog representing birth and rebirth.
Home and family (nest)--Wealth and abundance(eggs)--Birth and rebirth(frog). Don't be afraid of the frog, help her birth those eggs!
Hey, this is fun trying to interpret dreams. I just hope no one really pays much attention to what I write because the final interpretation should always be from the person who dreams.
Frogs are about fertility, and nests are about holding the things that are being birthed...
nest is symbolic of womb, right?
what are you birthing, and what is fertile within you?
The fact that in the dream you ran, 'got out of there', is interesting. What could be trying to be born, that you are running from?
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