Thursday, March 1, 2007

The 31 Universal Laws: are already up to 81...

So first off, scan down and notice that there are no less than 81 on the list.
ANYTIME someone tries to put a cap on "universe" it cracks me up!
AND remember everyone thinks their list is the best. To me, if they are universal laws, won't they be the same? Best is to go up and ask God yourself.

THE UNIVERSAL LAW - is the knowledge and awareness that every thing has life and vitality.
THE LAW OF LOVE - placing love for others ahead of self
THE LAW OF MERCY - to forgive all error. to forgive equally
THE LAW OF GRATITUDE - energy that is given moves out in a curved line to return from a greater place
THE LAW OF ONE - all is one
THE LAW OF KARMA - just payment for any action
THE LAW OF PATIENCE - all things must have their time
THE LAW OF RESPECT - looking twice as deeply-beyond the surface
THE LAW OF EXAMPLE - anyone or anything placed in a position of significance can serve as an example
THE LAW OF TOLERANCE - recognizing the divinity in others

THE LAW OF AWARENESS - to observe the illusion of separateness and not be confused by this illusion
THE LAW OF UNITY - similar to the law of one. there is no separation
THE LAW OF ETERNAL UNFULFILLMENT - states that there never can be completion in any moment.
THE LAW OF HONESTY - to see things as they are, without an attempt to change it from fear or self-service.
THE LAW OF THE TAO - sees time as being on a screen that all things are projected
THE LAW OF ESSENCE - what is, is,and what is not, is not.
THE LAW OF VACUUM - the the material forces of the universe will rush to fill.
THE LAW OF CO-CREATION - two acting in co-creative action ahve the power of 4, 3 working in harmony hsa the power of 9, 4 working in harmony have the power of 16, and 144 can change the world.
THE LAW OF RECONCILIATION - allows those things which are normally in conflict to become harmonious
THE LAW OF PEACE - peace comes from within and is related to surrender

THE LAW OF JUSTICE - scales in balance. all things in time come into balance
THE LAW OF THOUGHT- energy follows thought
THE LAW OF VIBRATION - any vibration sent out for good increases into higher frequencies as it moves through space
THE LAW OF PRIVACY - every person is entitled to the sanctity of their own privacy
THE LAW OF SECURITY - law which provides a firm foundation
THE LAW OF DIVINE MANIFESTATION - whatever is needed for one's growth will be supplied by the Universe
THE LAW OF CREDIBILITY - the ability to receive and accept credit for what one has done
THE LAW OF AUTHORITY - whoever is liable has the authority
THE LAW OF COURAGE - the act to face danger, as well as the action to defuse danger
THE LAW OF MONEY - imagine that! The Universe has a LAW about money. Who would have thought it?

THE LAW OF POVERTY - that the act of withholding your energy will directly affect what is returned
THE LAW OF GRACE - similar to the law of mercy
THE LAW OF FREE WILL - each person has the right to direct and pursue their life and the quality of their life as long as it doesn't interfere with another
THE LAW OF DHARMA - right action
THE LAW OF DRAMA - it is the inner character growth
THE LAW OF TENFOLD RETURN - what is given freely is returned 10x
THE LAW OF NEW BEING - lessons polarities and moves one into the unified state
THE LAW OF MAGIC - the law which creates change
THE LAW OF HARMONY AND AGREEMENT - efforts to manipulate, trick or coerce another will only disrupt previously established agreements.
THE LAW OF AFFECTION - affection is the beam of love

THE LAW OF FREEDOM - the ability to function in a manner that allows others their freedom to grow
THE LAW OF PROJECTION - what is projected as your life is stored in your consciousness
THE LAW OF PROSPERITY - one prospers in direct proportion to the enjoyment one receives in seeing the prosperity of oneself and others.
THE LAW OF ENTHUSIASM - to banish stagnation from one's lifeforce
THE LAW OF REALITY - if an object can be seen, measured, felt, heard, then it is real.
THE LAW OF ACTUALITY - exists in the mind but not nec. in material form and does not have to have dimension. It is what is believed.
THE LAW OF THERMO-DYNAMICS- a body of higher heat can transfer energy/heat to one of lower temperature.
THE LAW OF MOTION - bodies of matter do not alter their motions in any way except as the result of forces applied to them
THE ARCHETYPICAL LAW - the echoing reflection of other laws

THE LAW OF DESCRIPTION - capable of creating anything, the nature of manifestation
THE LAW OF LIABILITY - one is held liable for the use or abuse
THE LAW OF RESPONSIBILITY - the ability to respond to the needs of others
THE LAW OR PRINCIPLE OF PENETRATION - anything which is looked at with great attention, with a great quantity of consciousness will penetrate to the heart and emanates into all consciousness.
THE LAW OF EXPANSION OR INCLUSION -inclusion that results when the definition and description of a part or situation is expanded to include something else.
THE LAW OF SUGGESTION - a statement carries with it an impact of association
THE LAW OF SILENCE - the silence found in the soul
THE LAW OF THE SUB CONSCIOUS MIND - that the subconscious mind is not able to distinguish fact from fiction. ( what trance operates off of)
THE LAW OF HAPPINESS - how you feel about who you are determines your happiness.
THE LAW OF PARADOX - the movement of energies occurs in 4 dimensions simultaneously.

THE LAW OF RELATIVITY -the relationship of all things is understood from the viewpoint they are seen from
THE LAW OF LEVERAGE - the future is never fixed
THE LAW OF AUTHORITY - the entity that is capable of accepting responsiblility for an act, is worthy of having authority to enact
THE LAW OF SEX - all things shall balance themselves out
THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT - moving toward one's own growth and fruition and recognizing resistance
THE LAW OF DIVINE PROCLAMATION - the ability of an individual to speak, or proclaim in behalf of the Divine Forces.
THE LAW OF ATTRACTION - like attracts like, and opposites no longer attract.
THE LAW OF CHANCE - when the law of magic is initiated, wihout being in harmony with unity
THE LAW OF CHANGE - actually this is the law of continuation
THE LAW OF CHAOS AND THE LAW OF ORDER - chaos exists when the observing mind cannot accept what is. Order exists when the observing mind accepts what is regardless of the appearance of chaos

THE LAW OF CORRESPONDENCE - as above so below. Hermetic law.
THE LAW OF CURRENCY EXCHANGE - no not about money. but about the flow of energy like water or electricity
THE LAW OF DURATION AND DENSITY - as you visualize yourself so you are
THE LAW OF IDENTIFICATION - we move towards what we identify regardless of positive or negative
THE LAW OF INFORMATION - all information is energy
THE LAW OF LIBERTY -( freedom from karma)-it is a free gift bestowed on the condition of pure surrender to God
THE LAW OF MOTIVATION - the motivation is the means and the end-law of gratitude returns quickly to them
THE LAW OF PORTRAYAL - any action portrayed cultivates the attitude of that action
THE LAW OF RELATIONSHIP - all parts are in relationship regardless of proximity
THE LAW OF SUBSTITUTION - a part may signify the whole

THE LAW OF SUBSTANCE - descriptions of any substance must permeate all layers of the substance

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

these are cool.