I looked up 'truth' on wikepedia and I sent an email to my mathematician friend asking him how mathematically truth was defined (and still trying to sift through the definition he returned!) TRUTH.
What is truth?
What is real?
What is fantasy?
What is authentic?
What is artificial?
These questions have been on my mind for some time...Ive explored them in all of my projects for years...but still finding myself always again at the beginning....which is ok...which is as it should be i think...
Wouldnt it be amazing just to own 'I am a master of the art of Not Not?'
Not Not architecture, healing, art, writing, playing, knowing, seeing, feeling, hearing, exploring, living, dying, loving, beauty....even truth....
My mentor, Andrew MacNair taught me this 'NOT NOT' truism...
When I heard it learned it felt it I thought no truer words had ever been spoken...
It changed my life....
La Vérité ("Truth") by Jules Joseph Lefebvre
Lauren can you explain more about what NOT NOT is?
truth, not truth, and not not truth....its this circle but one that doesnt necessarily come exactly back to same point it allows to be at original point but also at a new point.
so not not truth means true and not true but goes back to go forward...folding again on itself....its like going raw...
or nostalgia or tracking...or the prince that knows but goes on a quest through the jungle only to return home...but he returns home both old and new.
for me its my obsession with feral...we are born free and wild -then we are trained- then we undo all of the training to return to feral---in that REturn we are both somewhere old and very new.
revisiting revising the archetype...
something both ancient and future --- a return to old with new eyes....
this has become my interpretation and what i took from what i was told...
Thank you for the explanation. As I read I could feel the spiral of life and the trained domesitcated people we are and then we wake up and untrain ourselves.
Yes. We've been talking about how Picasso only learnt to free himself and paint from his child when he was 65! It took his entire life of artistic training-which began at 4 years old, to undo for him to find his "feralness", his wild free child. The part of him that didn't follow the rules.
We spend a lifetime getting rules pounded into us. Then when we WANT to step away...we can't. Or it's hard. It's like the elephant being chained when little doesn't need to be chained as an adult. it just stays.
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