Monday, March 26, 2007

Closing to the Third month of raw


The way you are all feeing is about right on target. You are making the switch big time. The body and brain are hooking up that that white sugar and white flour are just death to us and we don't want it. There is so much more gratifying energy in the raw, and feeling good after eating instead of going to sleep. We may still get tempted but it so isn't worth it. We get it. It is kicking in.

And still may I say that if one digresses, it is not about guilt, and it IS about noticing, and realizing how you feel.

The trade off is paying off, isn't it?
Not feeling deprived or as if you are missing out on anything ... is kicking in. And still-the side effects are just that. Just the thing that happens to happen because you are feeding yourself as you should.

Tonight I decided to make raw hummus-which means I can actually make it on Friday. You soak the raw beans for 24 hours, drain, and sprout for 2 days. So-will let you all know if it really is worth it over the powdered package, or making it with a can, or the made stuff from Costco. We are having a hummus taste off here. I am drowning in garbanzo beans. :)


Jacqueline Brown, said...

I was telling my daughter today that I don't know that I will ever go back to the other way of eating. Eating mostly Raw is really working for me. Side note, I've lost about 25LBS. Other than at the Dr., I have not weighed myself until yesterday. I am seeing that Terry will eat more fruits and veggies now, though not always Raw, it all makes a difference. My sister Marsha likes our blog.

Joy! said...

I'm glad for you Jac, and I still say, don't post the numbers.