After closing on the townhouse this afternoon, I made a visit to Good Earth. I bought a couple of things that I wanted to share with everyone. One slice of chocolate torte (raw, of course) and a bottle of Synergy (also raw).
If you love chocolate (like me) you'll want to try the torte. It was fairly expensive ($6.49) but worth it. It's very chocolatey, has a raspberry center, and is so rich that I couldn't eat the whole thing - at least in one sitting. I looked up the creator on the internet Raw Melissa. This lady is worlds ahead of us in preparation and presentation. Take a look at her video recipe - chocolate banana shake - sound familiar, lady Shamans? She also provides deserts to a lunch-only restaurant in Springville - Gingers Garden Cafe - take a look at their menu and prices.
The Synergy was interesting. It tasted somewhat like vinegar and a little like grape (I bought the Divine Grape flavor). Three months ago I probably would have spit it out but tonight it tasted pretty good. It contains 95% Kombucha which the bottle says is a handmade Chinese tea that is cultured for 30 days. During this time, essential nutrients form like active enzymes, viable probiotics, amino acids, antioxidants, and polyphenols. All of these are purported to restore balance and vitality. I can tell you that between the raw chocolate and the synergy, my energy and clarity has increased tremendously. I'll be lucky to sleep tonight. The bottle does say it may have a trace amount of alcohol (less than 0.5%). Question - has anyone tried this, researched it, or have any opinions on it? Might be a great alternative to fresh juices to offer in a fast food place.
Thanks so much to all of you for last night's class. I had a very profound experience during my journey, one that I'm still absorbing. I know it wouldn't have happened without all of your support and love. Thanks again.
Thanks Pam, I liked the video and the menu. Great leaps ahead of us I'd say.
I went to Good Earth today. I LOVE the Synergy drink. I got strawberry. It was fizzy, but not horrible like a soda pop. Wow, that was such a treat. Loved it. Now I'm trying the Chocolate Truffle "Pie". I think she should have just named it fudge, it's that rich. It's delicious, but it is just like Pam said, almost too sweet.
At the Good Earth I saw they had Nutritional Yeast, 10 oz for $10. I heard you all talking about it, but didn't know what it was good for. The store person clerk helper person said it was a good way to get Vit - B12 if one is a vegetarian. And the bottle says it helps with Candida Albicans, the bad yeast.
Thanks for the heads up Pam. Some day we should pay hooky and go to Ginger's Cafe for lunch.
Thanks for all the info. I checked it out. The seminar in April about sauces sounds interesting. Anyone want to go? For me it's really all about sauces and dips.
I could be persuaded to attend the seminar with you. I also think the sauces and dips make or break a recipe.
I completely agree with both of you. If her seminar isn't too expensive, I'm in. I'll go look for details on her website. Good suggestion CA.
I thought it was $25?
Take notes-I have to teach those days I think. But it sounded really interesting.
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