My old thought pattern was that the 'chameleon' is BAD, that it meant i had no 'authentic self' and that I only knew myself in reflection, so ive been trying to kill it in me for a very very long time-what an illusion - im not fighting anyone else and im not even fighting myself??? the war on this issue is done...just needed to get better get clear and get boundaries...i am still me and can be empathetic and watch the world through anothers eyes....thats what the shamanic work is about isnt it? traveling into anothers reality and returning back home...i just know how to do what ive been doing forever safely now....reframing it and owning it has helped so much....owning that power owning ME. I dont have to be them become them take on their problems fears energy, i just see them...I love watching, feeling what others feel seeing what they see...its like going to a museum and looking at a painting or beautiful what gets captured in a moment a way of looking at something i had never imagined...journeying into someone elses reality - or even one of my alternate realities!
can i do it safely now and not lose myself?....yes. i know the way home right now ive laid a very clear new road (my own yellow brick road home)....a detour wont bring me down it just means it takes a little longer....and lucky me if i just so happen to get lost ive got all these shaman mamas to call on to light the way!
and just now i found this article (from my old college of 1 yr - Boston University)...a quick read of a perspective on the amygdala and women and empathy and the emotional brain....
1 comment:
We are here to find the beauty in each piece of ourselves...
Ugliness is a perception.....
We are of the butterfly clan...metamorphs
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