Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ok -- IM on to something!!!!!

ok finally (after months of thinking im nuts and beating myself up) i checked back through the dates when i go 'offline' off raw and have mini-fits and then clear big issue....all around mid period cycle 12-19 of the month...hallelujah and holy crap finally a connection!!!!!!!

hormones and spinning out!!!!!!!!!! my hot flashes my freak outs my fogginess my diet...

this is HUGE!
i can work on this now.

i cant believe it took me this long to put it together....its been mirrored around me but didnt connect it to me......DUH DUH DUH....

joy havent we been working on this all week in class????? the hormone shifts effecting hypothalmus pituitary pineal (did i get that right?) so the 'fuzziness' fears the brain fog sleeping etc.....could it all be hormonal with me????

ok going to do a test next month and help the hormones to see if its different.....


1 comment:

Joy! said...

This is EXACTLY what has been going on, and yes, what we have been saying all week in class.
You've got it!
Patterns. I love to track the patterns.
That's what shamans do.