Monday, May 7, 2007

In 10 years

I was just cruising again on some science sites, and thought your attention might be caught by this statistic, as mine was:
between 1980 and 1990 Americans increased body fat by 33%. This is on a science site that was tracking AD36 and it's move across the US. Obesity specialists are "baffled" why America "suddenly" starting increasing in girth.

Did we just watch more tv? Nintendo? Popcorn? Convenience? Really??? That's what they told us. But what if it's a disease that's catching?

So, what's the emotional component? The trigger that says one person activates the disease, and another doesn't? That's a question for all disease isn't it? We can have a marker for a disease and never manifest it. AIDS vs HIV, cancers, all of it. Some people aren't available to it.

I wonder what was emotionally happening in people's lives.

I got married in 1979-and I had the bypass in 1990. I am right on the money for this time period.
Emotionally, I was opening up and retrieving those lost trauma years so I was way into emotion, and T and I were having alot of issues in our early marriage. I also gave birth to both boys during this time period which means the virus would have been vertically passed to them.

Anyone else?

Here's something else-University of Buffalo did studies because they were curious about the drop in cholesterol and triglycerides with the onset of obesity.
They discovered that chronic hyperinsulinemia preceded the obesity. Overproduction of insulin by the FAT CELLS, and a drop in insulin in the muscle cells and liver.

Did anyone begin to have sugar issues during this time? Sorry-by sugar issues I mean diabetes. Not sugar cravings.
Was anyone suddenly diagnosed with diabetes.


Jacqueline Brown, said...

We moved to our house that we live in now in 1978, it was also at this point that I went to work out side of the home. The issues that Terry and I had was more about the fact that he worked just like now long hours. There were points during this time period that I shut down emotionally. In my younger years when I look back now I never really had weight issues, until maybe late thirties, at this point I had my son who got involved with a girl and gave me my granddaughter who is now twenty and substantial gray hair...I had a daughter who was smoking in Jr. High and rebeled at every turn and a husband that wasn't available. So alot of emotional garbage was going on. I never really had sugar issues.
I think especially in the late nineties where the computer was really getting common we started spending more time indoors, we became less and less involved with the outside world persay. I think what it says to me is when did our life no longer include movement...
When I was doing alot of movement I didn't have the obesity issues or diabetic issues none of that...
Oh gee I forgot about Nintendo and Playstation, videos, VCR...television occupying so much more of our lives...numbed out....

Joy! said...

Wait wait wait! While yes that all makes sense I am tracking the emotional state, and a significant weight gain that seems out of proportion.

Did you gain 30% or more of your extra weight then? Maybe you didn't. One of the telltale signs of AD36 is a lower cholesterol and triglyceride count.

I gained alot of weight, and it kept going up, and my cholesterol and triglycerides were unusally low, which they always commented on, along with blood pressure. I was "just fat".

I never really had a sugar thing either. I still don't. I hardly go for a dessert even now. I did eat chocolate today though-yum!

This isn't about the food. The virus causes stem cells to turn into fat cells, and fat cells to turn into insulin making machines, and the insulin to be depleted in muscles which means you don't have the energy to exercise.

NOT about not wanting to-but not having the energy.
What if the egg comes before the chicken, meaning the depletion of insulin energy happens first and then we sit on the couch...not the other way around.

I'm curious of liver enzymes are changed in some way too?

CatherineAnn said...

Oh, boy, Joy, you have described me to a tee. My triglicerides, blood pressure, and cholesterol were always low and the dr's thought that was so unusual for a chubby women and that it meant I was healthy, just fat. Joy we need to do a study for ourselves on this. You are on to something!
Emotionally what was going on for me was that I had just married for the third time and felt trapped in another mistake. I loved my husband but finally I realized it took more than love to make a marriage and I shut down on so many levels. I was living in a home that didn't feel like mine, with a husband who was emotionally unavailable, and two teenagers pulling me every which way. I went back East to visit Romedy and a very short time after that I was gaining weight at such a rapid rate that i couldn't even wear clothes from one week to another. I remember my husband saying, no more. I remember feeling helpless, like how can I stop this if I don't know what to do?

Jacqueline Brown, said...

If feel more what you are describing in about 1995, then it was like I just couldn't get the weight off, of course that was a huge emotional time for me and also I had many boughts with Pneumonia and such, it was difficult all the way around...yes at that point I didn't have the energy to get up off the couch...I was still doing Tai Chi and that did help alot but still the weight would not come off. Is this what you are talking about?

CatherineAnn said...

oh, I forgot, yes I too had the muscle thing. I thought it was chronic fatigue. That did seem to happen with the EBV. I was doing a workout class and I went from it being easy to I couldn't do it anymore and quite. After exercising instead of building muscle it felt like it would break down the muscles instead.

Pam said...

In the early 80's I weighed 110 pounds. At the end of last year I weighed 150 pounds, a gain of 40 pounds in 30 years, most of which occurred in the last 10. I also went through tremendous stress in the 90's, raising 3 teenage boys and working towards my undergraduate degree. Never had any trouble with cholesterol or diabetes, but then again, It has never crossed my mind.

Joy! said...

I just remember feeling so defeated. I was watching this wall of fat surround me. I kept trying to make it make sense!

Tony would look at me and say "you are so strong I can't believe you can't do anything about this!"

And to him that meant I must not WANT to lose weight. And I felt so desperate inside that body! I felt so trapped!

I went to "BODY LIFT" in SLC, driving down every day and working out with a private trainer-and at the end of it they said "we've never had anyone not succeed" which meant again I was the failure. I was so ashamed I didn't even take the refund. It was alot of money too. I thought if I paid alot it would really motivate me to stick to it.

I was so sure it would work! And it didn't. Which meant I failed. When I went for that bypass I was absolutely at my wits end. Just get me out of this.