Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Maca Journey

I'm in on the maca journey with you, Joy. I started today with 1 teaspoon in the a.m. and 1 in the p.m. I'll start being more cognizant of my temperature fluctuations and see if the maca starts balancing these rampant hormones. I'll try this for a couple of days, then I think I'll try some progesterone frequencies - sure couldn't hurt!


Joy! said...

Awesome. I took 3 tubes of progestin with me today and used them. I had about 4 heat waves and realized that they are really cued to my changing my emotional template. I got a bit fired up in what I was talking about-wham.
But the emotion triggered the heat.
I bought a big bag of frozen strawberries today for the juice tomorrow.
Pam-use the liver support frequenceis too. It's the liver that is feeling overworked right now.

Joy! said...

How are you doing with the maca at night? How PM do you take it?

Pam said...

Between 7 and 9 p.m. I can't just take the maca straight so I usually end up putting it in a juice or smoothie.

Joy! said...

OH DON'T TAKE IT STRAIGHT! :) It's an additive. Jac's capsules are good though. Jac how are you doing with them?