Diva Sages,
I have the most profound since of urgency.
As Shamans, one wonders why we chose this particular expression of spirituality, or did it choose us. Of course the answer is both as we understand the circle of life, this path of enlightenment. Still what are we to do with this knowledge and our ability to heal. Yes we heal ourselves to heal our communities and the communities the nations and the nations the world and the world the cosmos. I absolutely see the beauty of the pebble dropped into still water. However, the water is no longer still.
The energy coming in to our planet is beyond anything ever experienced. The shift is happening now, not 2012 but 09/18/07. The transition is profound and those of us consciousness and skilled are being asked to hold the space. This great shift is profoundly affecting our world and all our family: the four legged, the two legged, the winged, the finned, the creepy crawlies, the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom.
Why did we choose this incarnation? What brought us to this place of mastery and why are we walking with each other at this particular time in history? I believe we are Masters, Mystics and Shamans. We are here as cosmic midwives. We have lived many life times to ready ourselves for this life time. We have come together because the synergy created by our union is also profoundly powerful, far beyond what any one of us can do singularly. "When two or more are gathered...."
The experience of the fire last night was just incredible. Of course you always realize more as you walk away and reflect on the experience. The fire itself, the laughter, the Full Moon. It felt wonderful (WONDER- FULL) being held in that place: the mountains, rock, water, plants and earth. The many four legged that came, the winged, the finned and the creepy crawly. All came and I believe all are calling us. Even the two legged came but not while we were in ceremony but before and after as we created the sacred and became one with the sacred. The communion with one another was no less profound. In particular I was very touched by Lauren opening her medicine bag and with trust pouring her "heart stones" out into the hands of Kathy, Catherine Ann and I as we stood around her in a tightly nit circle.
So my Sisters of the Diva Sage, I believe it is time for us to gather in our power, in our wisdom and with all our gifts hold space for the birth of this new world. It is time to form our circle of wisdom. What say you?
I love what you have said and you know I am on board with doing the Diva-Sage Circle of Wisdom...does that sound and powerful or what.
You have so captured in your words what is happening and what choice points we all may be at...
Thank you for the beautiful written words....
Sorry-isn't that what we have been doing? Isn't that who you are? Isn't that what you have been growing?
Maybe but I havn't been doing it consciously. I've been more like a baby bird, coming to the circle and asking to be fed. This experience feels like a next step. Like a graduation piece, stepping more into my power and realizing more our power and connection. Seeing the dance more clearly and wanting to twrill!
Twrill? I want to TWIRL. Not twrill but maybe that too!!!
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