We were talking a few days ago in one of the classes about the concept of Immaculate Conception, and how that "proves" Jesus was divine. I made mention of the fact that that has been used to "prove" divinity, across our planet and cross culturally for eons.
I made a quick list from those old notes of my old religious philosophy class, and thought you all might be interested in it too, as many of us don't venture far from our own theological upbringing. Ready? I've always found this interesting.
AMENKEPT or AMENOPHIS of Egypt - was born to MUT-EM-UA, the virgin queen of Egypt, 2000 years before Jesus. He built Luxor. She was impregnated when the God KNEPH (holy spirit) held the cross to her mouth
HORUS or IOSOS of Egypt - was born to IISIS (or IOS and SEPT) Queen Mother, in Egypt. (Interestingly enough, she was a "virgo", hence SEPT being Virgo) She had an immaculate conception and gave birth to HORUS on Dec 25th. She was depicted with a crown of 12 stars HORUS is also known as IOSOS, which is the root word for IOSUS, or JESUS. HORUS by the way-died and was resurrected.
ASTARTE - a Syrian Godess is also considered a prototype of Mary. A virgin too, and the mother of mankind. The name translated over into Hebrew as Ashtoreth. She later became Semiramis, and her symbol the dove. She was big in Babylon, and was also associated with the MOON, and JUSTICE. Said to have given birth to the savior of man on Dec 25th.
PLATO was said to have been immaculately conceived. His mother, PERETONIA, was a virgin, and was to have been conceived by the ghost of APOLLO...who told her husband Ariston what was going to happen...just to be fair.
QUESALCOTE - born to a virgin mother named CHILALMAN. An immaculate conception, a crucifixtion, and a resurrection also after 3 days.
CHRISHNA in India-born of a virgin, DEVAKI. BTW-he was supposed to have died to atone for the sins of mankind (in 300 year BC) His birth was attended by angels and shepards. Survived a command from CANSA who ordered all the first born sons killed, and ascended back to heaven in front of others. And he was given frankencense and myrrh at his birth.
BUDDHA - conceived by MAYA, an immaculate virgin who conceived through divine influence...but really he never claimed to be a god. HE was born in the ordinary way to a rajah. Was said to walk through walls and walk on water, and performed miracles. Buddha lived and preached 500 years BEFORE Jesus was born.
QUEXALCOTAL in Mexico and South American-born of a virgin....no a 'spotless' virgin. Must be even better. The mother was COATLICUE, who cleaned the temple. She saw a ball of feathers fall from the sky, and she put it in her top near her buson. Later the ball of feathers was gone, and lo, she was pregnant.
Went into the wilderness for 40 days. Was crucified between two thieves, was buried and rose on the third day.
ESCHYLUS of the Huns-was the 'chaste virgin', and her son was the 'son of God'
ALEXANDER THE GREAT - a messiah cult was developed around him, and it was later claimed that he was born of a virgin and had no eartly father, although Philip of Macedonia is listed as his father.
XACA-a Chinese savior, was concieved of his mother MAIA, by a white elephant. All white animals are considered pure and holy, and she gave birth to him from her side.
SUCHIQUECAL - Queen of the Heavens, concieved a son without connection wtih a man-hence an immaculate conception
JULIUS - was considered to have been an immaculate conception - the son of the beautiful virgin CRONIS CELESTINE
OSIRUS - of Egypt - divine immaculate conception
APPOLONUS of Cappadocia - (contemporary of Jesus) said to have been 'overshadowed' (interesting term don't you think?) by the supreme God PROTEUS.
AUGUSTUS CAESAR - generated from the power of JOVE, and an immaculate conception conceived in the temple of Apollo.
CITLALTONAC- conceived a son from the virgin Chimalma...I can't find the name of the son.
YU of China - God, who's virgin mother was SHING MON, who conceived from a water lily. (think that's how the rumor that you could get pregnant in a swimming pool got started? Another Urban myth...) YU was the first Chinese monarch, and was conceived when his mother was struck by a star while traveling.
ARION of Byrsa - immaculately conceived by Gods in the citadel of Byrsa.
ZOROASTER of Persia - born of an immaculate conception from the ray of divine reason
MITHRAS of Persia - was born on Dec 25th, from the Sun God and a virgin mother. He performed miracles like raising the dead, blind/see, lame/walk. Put to death on a cross, buried in a cave, and reborn. Had a last supper with 12 disciples. Ascended to heaven.
TAMMUZ of Syria - 12 century BC, around the same time as KRISHNA, and ATYS, said to be the great grandson of Noah,
INDRA of India - is shown as having been nailed to a cross, and five wounds representing the nail-holes and piercing in his side. His mother was a virgin, he descended from heaven on a mission, and ascended back after his crucifixion.
BALI of India - was a crucified God. Also represented with holes in his hands and side
HESUS of the Druids-was born from the virgin mother MAYENCE. Her body was enveloped in light, and a crown of 12 stars sat on her head, and her foot on the head of a serpent, and the myth is more than 2000 years old.
IO of Eschylus - is called the 'chaste virgin', and her son 'the son of God'.
TIEN and CHANG-TI of China - born of virgins ' who knew no man', and reigned more than 2500 years ago, and they were worshipped as Gods. When CHANG-TI was born to an earthly virgin mother, angels sang and shepards attended the birth
HERCULES - was born from the God ZEUS and a mortal virgin, ALCMENE, also known as PRUDENCE. Hera wanted Hercules dead. Hercules died, and ascended to Mt Olympus and became a God.
CONFUCIUS - at his birth five wise men came from a distance and celestial music filled the air, and angels were there.
ALCIDES of Greece- born of ALCMENE, a virgin.
BACCHUS of Egypt - A God, born from the earthly virgin SEMELE.
SAKIA - his virgin mother was MAIA. His emblem was a cross, he was crucified, and was buried for 3 days and then rose. His mother was called "holy virgin mother of the world', and he was called 'savior of the world' and 'light of the world'
SUCHIQUECAL - called the Queen of Heavens, and she conceived a son without a man
QUIRINUS of the Sabines - a mysterious ancient Roman God, who existed before the Rome we know of. The story was later added to the story of Romulus. Conceived and brought forth from a virgin, crucified, and ascended into Heaven after 3 days.
VULCAN - was born from Juno, who was 'overshadowed' by the wind.
ZULIS or THULIS of Egypt - his mother was a virgin, and he was crucified. 1700 BC, Died at 27, and rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven.
JESUS - son of PANDERA but born a century before the Jesus we know.
I don't know about you, but I see a plot similarity...any comments?