My mind keeps wandering back to the last Shaman class in which I stated "I have no aspirations." My life has been a continual march of aspirations, goals, fighting for the satisfaction of completion ---only to march forward with the next aspiration, goal, and completion. Each of these marches came with sacrifice and pain, and a lot of 'if only's.'
If only I had time to read that book instead of having to study for that test; if only I could take a trip instead of having to immerse myself in that project at work; if only, if only. A couple of days ago I had a revelation. No aspirations and no goals means freedom. Without the drive to finish and to compete with myself, I feel free --- absolutely, totally free. I'm now free to create --- to live. Now we'll see what comes.
wonderful revelation! Isn't it funny that you said "without the drive to compete with myself"...
the only one driving us in our story is us isn't it?
This is great! Freedom and living in the now. Fantastic! It seems to me we all are so much more in the NOW than we used to be.
I love the picture....what we reveal to ourselves is so amazing...
If the picture is any indication of your coming and present creative process then look out! Beautiful
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