My hot flashes seem to be striking more often, even after increasing some of the homeopathic solutions I have in my cupboard. So for the last couple of months I've been trying to observe what has been happening before and after a hot flash strikes. Two things seem to bring on the hot flashes. The first is eating or drinking which seems to bring on a hot flash after about a half hour. The second happens when I have a profound thought immediately before the hot flash, although it's hard to remember the thought. The first I can attribute to hormonal, but the second? Is it possible that this is my body's way of saying, 'Pay attention. You're receiving direction.'
Any opinions?
Yes, I noticed that whenever I got the least bit emotional it triggered a hot flash.
Mine have all stopped since doing the BIT. I don't know why. I've also not been doing the raw. It could be less of the phyto-estrogens in my system, and the progesterone cream. I don't know.
Hot flashes, or surges can also be kundalini which is energetic rising. The symptoms are simiar to hormonal stuff.
I've been getting lots of orgasmic sort of surges now...not complaining mind you! It means the 1st and 2nd chakras are open at last...maybe that is what is going on with the hot flashes? Attempting to unblock something?
Joy, The Phyto-estrogens should reduce the hot flashes. Northup in her book, tells you to eat flax and soy to increase the Phytoestrogens.
Pam, I bet your estrogen level has dropped more. That's when my flashes started getting unbearable, estrodiol now at 25, 45 and under is considered post menopausal. Well tell my body that, "it's over now body you can stop flashing off"
I am using an estradiol patch which has made a major difference and I also take Progesterone. The bioidentical and transdermal replacements are a horse of a diffent color and many studies suggest no increase in risk but in fact reduced risk when started with the onset of menopause. I have the review of literature if you would like to see a copy. You have to find the right practitioner to support you in this if it feels right for you.
I think the dried Soy Nuts ( no salt) help a bit too. Diffinitely I notice symptoms worse if I have any sugar/high carbs. Anything that increases inflamation in general seems to also affect the flashes. SO that can be high glycemic foods or high glycemic emotions. I don't know about profound thoughts. :0
Great photo. love it.
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