Friday, November 9, 2007

Enough IS Enough!

Ive been thinking a lot about this idea of abundance for a while now and what it really means and what kind of energy its sending out hasnt sat well with me for a while and Ive been thinking and thinking about what the feeling actually is...Ive known the feeling, but havent known what it looks like or how to express it..its come up in various versions of the way I see my life who Im with how we live how we love one another...Ive said it for years I want something simple so incredibly simple...So sending out abundance for me has been feeling very strange and not in line with my core...its just felt heavy and weighty and too much over-saturation excess insatiable desires craving longing...

A friend of mine told me a story about one of his encounters with a man that said you know 'I just want enough'. CLICK. That worked for me. That feels clear and good in every cell of my body. Ive been saying and feeling this daily and in each moment - I say 'I just want enough, thank you, thank you.' For me whatever enough is, is enough. I dont need more excess, more is just more. When ones had enough they are filled complete satisfied sustained. Even when its used in the more negative sense like screw you ive had enough, it still has same meaning as in complete done. Enough is whatever one needs in that moment to fill filled...simple feels right too and i still send that out for certain things, but Enough IS Enough!

Ive been adding this to Feral Futures the non-profit and thinking about making buttons and tshirts that say just feels right in so many ways with all thats going on and where we have the potential to go ... abundance the word or connotation conjures up the feeling of excess to me...and seems a bit unclear to be sending out as abundance and excess viewed in certain ways has only gotten us into trouble i think... Its sort of an off-shoot or addition or alternative to the abundance wave....
ok so Im editing the part that said lets all shout enough is enough from the highest mountain top...i think the question is really what joy said...what is 'enough' for me ....also knowing when enough is and or isnt enough...hmmm being able to edit...


Joy! said...

If that works for you, then use it.
You know what you mean by that, and that means for you it is useful.

"I don't have to know what enough is,
I only know that I come from a place of continually having and being enough
that there always is enough
that I am in a state of enough is always enough"

how does that feel?
It's all about the feeling.

Joy! said...

why does 'abundance' mean 'excess' for you?

Anonymous said...

Good points it is whatever 'enough' means I think for me I've had abundance and I've felt very deprived so enough feels middle to I should be more clear about why 'enough' works for me...

Bo said...

What is sustainable living?

That is the bottom line of enough for me. I havn't lived it really, it is good you bring up the question. I have released the vow of poverty with Joy's help. I don't see abundance as evil as some would have you beleive. However, sustainability is key to protecting and nuturing each other and the earth. So well said Lauren, something to ponder.