Some of you have heard me talk about Lilith, right? She was the original 'first ex-wife' archetype? She got to be more and more demonized as time went on, and she isn't one that is well known, but the more male dominated the society, the more evil she got.
In Sumeria Lilith was the left hand of Inanna. She brought the men to the temple of the "Tantric" rites. For sex of course!
In Mesopotamia she was a destructive goddess of winds and storms.
The Hebrews turned her into a demonic female spirit that killed children. She was the one who stole the breath from newborns, so she was blamed for crib deaths.
The Zohar made her into a vampire like creature called the incubi, with wings and talons and everything.
But she was the first woman to share Eden with Adam. God made her the same way he made Adam, from the earth. She was an independent woman. LOL a free minded virgin who would not listen or mind Adam at all, and didn't apparently give in to his sexual desires. Bad woman. She didn't want to always lay on the bottom! Go Figure!
She left Eden, and Adam, and Adam complained to God saying 'she won't mind me at all' and God made him another woman, this time from the rib of Adam so that she would 'know her place', so she wasn't made from the earth, but from the matter of Adam. What does that symbology tell you ladies? "Woman, know thy place."
Lilith is said to have been one of the 20 original names of 'woman' and one of the secret names that are part of the mystical teachings of the temple of ISHTAR/ASTARTE.
Interestingly enough, here is a quote
"teachings and practices that threatened the new patriarchal leaders and their attempts to make woman into a dependent, monogamous servant of their households. "There is no doubt", says Ean Begg, that the "Queen of Sheeba in the cabbala, the Zohar and Arabic legends" is identical with the Near Eastern goddess Lilith, who "is also associated with the concubine of Abraham, Hagar 'the Egyptian', whose son Ishmael, having been begotten on the Black stone of the Ka'bah, became the ancestor of the Arab peoples"( Begg p38)
Lilith is associated with the MOON teachings. The MOON followers were the city of BABYLON, which of course was villified in the biblical text as the city of SIN. SIN were the MOON followers - or other than SUN followers. Get it? It was all a political battle, always has been!
I love this:
"When the first man suggested intercourse to the primal female, she enthusiastically agreed. Adam then instructed Lilith to lie down beneath him. Insulted, she refused, pointing out that they had been created equally and should mate so." She didn't like the position-what a metaphor eh?!
"Adam and Lilith never found peace together; for when he wished to lie with her, she took offence at the recumbent posture he demanded. 'Why must I lie beneath you?' she asked. 'I also was made from dust, and am therefore your equal.' Because Adam tried to compel her obedience by force, Lilith, in a rage, uttered the magic name of God, rose into the air and left him."
f) Undismayed by His failure to give Adam a suitable help-meet, God tried again, and let him watch while he built up a woman's anatomy: using bones, tissues, muscles, blood and glandular secretions, then covering the whole with skin and adding tufts of hair in places. The sight caused Adam such disgust that even when this woman, the First Eve, stood there in her full beauty, he felt an invincible repugnance. God knew that He had failed once more, and took the First Eve away. Where she went, nobody knows for certain. [9]
Doesn't that sound like genetic engineering-or a divine sort of robotic thing?
(g) God tried a third time, and acted more circumspectly. Having taken a rib from Adam's side in his sleep, He formed it into a woman; then plaited her hair and adorned her, like a bride, with twenty-four pieces of jewellery, before waking him. Adam was entranced. [10]
These are from various Rabbincal sources in Genesis...
Mostly the stories point out that Lilith defied divine law...you go girl! Hell hath no fury like an independent woman.
I must be from Lilith's direct line.
I sat at a birthday party between two men. The man on my right, kept talking about women in a very degrading way as if they were made for his visual pleasure and how dare they do things to there body that he didn't find attractive. You realize I'm parapharsing here. Then the man on my left, flirting with me and then making a very derogatory crack about Leisbians in particular KD Lang. Powerful woman by virtue of her talent and willingness to name her truth. Charming fellow. Guess he is terribly treatened.
So am I from Lilith's line? Seems I don't always use my voice, stand my ground, claim my power. Come to think of it right now I'm under 5 men at work. My God no wonder I am losing it.
Something to consider
Lilith - moon. No wonder I'm so fascinated by the moon. A full moon always brings me an overwhelming emotional reaction. This does bring back the age-old question though. If Lilith left Adam, who did she procreate with? Maybe she is the first to produce the immaculate 'egg'. I like it - the 'Daughters of Lilith.'
I like that too. Maybe better than the 7 sisters. Well this and that, whose to say we have only one way to refer to ourselves.
Daughters of Lilith...I like it!!
Actually, according to rabbinical text, Lilith called out the name of God, teleported out of there (LOL) and then went to live on the coast. God came to HER and said "time to go back" and she said NO.
God said "Then you are cursed and damned, and I will slaughter your children, 100 of them" and she said, "I'm not going back." God killed her babies, and inretribution she began doing raids on the villages across the waters-Adama's domain.
Doesn't this sound like a biblical turf war?
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