Saturday, November 10, 2007

more on enough..

Thats why I love having this space to post...helps see whats going on. Maybe it is just a question of what language works in the right way. Its funny at times Ive felt and experienced such incredible excess and such incredible depravity and enough seems to be a middle ground word for me.

I think Ive been learning for some years to be happy with enough and not needing more always wanting wanting wanting not enjoying or even really experiencing what was in front of me - just focused on next and more and not being in moment...But i am different and I am in moments and appreciate what i have in each moment and still am open to all that is and more and maybe its just for me needing to be clear that thats the case... after writing that post its like hmmm.. i am clear on the fact that what ive wanted was to learn to be happy in each state excess abundance enough - and when in state of not enough making the necessary change to shift out of feeling deprived or lacking and questioning WHY i feel that way...


Joy! said...

"depravity" is different from

which do you mean? :)

Jacqueline Brown, said...

It truly is interesting how we line up our language.
It is all about being in the moment regardless of what the moment is...
I don't need to know what the next moment will be.....I just know that this moment is....

Joy! said...

and that the next moment WILL be,
and I am totally IN it