Friday, November 23, 2007

Birds of a feather

Okay Bo, here you go which one did you see....
I love the Woodpecker and Flickers, they love the suet feeders and nuts, we put them in the yard to attract them.
I love this energy....


Bo said...

Great pictures. Neither one.... I'm telling you big as a turkey, almost. Maybe the size of a medium hawk, for real. Oh and a Hawk was circling about my head when I put my Christmas Lights up yesterday

Jacqueline Brown, said...

If its as big as a turkey then it must have ate really well, I have never seen one that big. They get up to about 18 inches maybe a little bigger. I had one visit me one day hanging on the side of my house we had a real long conversation. I hope you get a picture of that bad boy, I would like to see it....