Saturday, November 24, 2007

Great new dip~

Ok, so here is a really strange but tasty combination:

Pomegranate seeds and dorito chips. Those ones that look like little mini tortilla bowls? Fill the chip with pomegranate seeds...

Try it!  The salt and sweet...yum! I know...I'm pushing the ish in the raw, but every bit helps.

Pomegranate: it's a shrub...a small tree...and it was cultivated by the Egyptians! We should grow them here-they do NOT do well in humidity, and they can tolerate quite cold winters. Maybe not PC cold, but SLC cold for sure.

Let's go to St  George and open a pomegranate farm. Lauren?! :)


CatherineAnn said...

This sounds so good. I want some right now. Bring some over will ya Joy.

Bo said...

Joy..... Those chips are poisen.

Catherine Ann... JUST SAY NO

Bo said...

P.S. The above commentary was posted by "Morning Girl" but she's right.