Tuesday, May 22, 2007

DId you know...

that hot flashes can be because of adrenal fatigue? i didn't know that. And the hot flashes are DIFFERENT from hormonal hot flashes-haven't we been saying that?

Here are some symptoms of adrenal fatigue:
-trouble going to sleep, even if you are tired
-you wake up frequently, especially between 3-5am
-you have a hard time waking in the morning
-bright lights bother you
-If you feel emotional, your body gets very hot, but not like a hot flash.
-Your blood pressure is around 115/84
-You have a faster pounding heartrate sometimes
-you are more defensive, and feel like you aren't coping well

I have all of those except the bright lights and not coping-I think.

Here's a test, and I will bring a cuff to class tomorrow night if we want to play with this:
take your blood pressure while lying down (lay down for 5 min before taking)
take your blood pressure upon immediately standing

if the blood pressure is LOWER after standing, you may have adrenal fatigue!

Guess what the adrenals produce: progesterone!


CatherineAnn said...

I have all these except the blood pressure as mine is up right now and I was told by Connie my adrenals are flat again. I need to address why when I start to get them back online my body freaks out. I'm so tired tonight because I woke up the past two nights at 5 and couldnt got back to sleep.

Anonymous said...

yep all these symptoms...got my period yesterday--took a nap today and woke up in a pool of sweat...literally, swimming. im so bored of this....

Jacqueline Brown, said...

I am like CA, I match all the symptoms but the blood pressure...
It fits better than the estrogen...So does the machine address the Adrenals????