well, since it's a day for completion cycles, it stands to reason that today might leave us feeling a bit empty...without knowing why, a bit weepy even.
It's a time to take stock and decide what we want to begin.
I found myself looking in my closet and saying "GOOD GOD why do I have all these clothes?" I wanted to literally throw them all out. I don't need more than 5 tops for sure! I mean, come on! What on earth am I doing?
It's all perfect. It's a one cycle today-a time to begin, take stock, and open new doors.
What do we want to do?
And Jac, do we want to drag out all the old projects and kick ourselves for the past, or do we clear them out, and take stock.
I can endlessly bounce to new projects. The question is finishing. What does it take to finish? WHen have you finished things?
You have. Why did you finish them, and not others?
For me it comes down to time...and focus.
What does it take to focus you?
Crisis? Pain? Need? Passion?
Well, that explains why we call in drama doesn't it? Those ALL focus me. I CAN focus, I DO focus, but given the month to write, everything began to distract me.
Having a life coach means having someone that will hold you to task and make you focus.
Sounds like a parent. LOL I mean that with all sincerity.
I made a promise to myself-to write no less than 5 pages a day, and shuffling things around or editing, or rereading didn't count. It might take an hour, it might take all day, but no less than 5 pages. Everyday.
Well, harder than it sounded, but I have ended up with significant pages...now the next step! :)
I think that part is to commit, to do something that works toward your goal each day, be it 5 pages (which is a lot) or accomplish one project, paper or whatever that leads you closer to the goal of finishing what you start.
CA was telling me last night to commit an hour a night or even an hour on the weekend to accomplishing my goals. I guess it's time to buckle down and make a real commitment.
exactly! we can see the big pictures and we think we have to do big things to get there. it's little things, done consistently that bring the results. Can we do the things, every day, day after day, to get us where we want?
five pages a day and now i have over 200 pages written. wow! I have more than that, truth be told, because I have more than one project I am working on, but 200 pages on a new manuscript. Not so hard to get a first draft.
Now here's the hard part for me-endings. exit strategies. hmmmmm
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