Saturday, September 15, 2007

Manifestation and Shape Shifting

This morning was interesting. I decided to take the dogs on a hike and I was talking to Tess and said, "lets go on a hike! I want to see a hawk, maybe we will go up to Jeremy Ranch." She's all like blah blah blah balh HIKE! blah blah blah blah........

So I walk out my door and look up and there circling above my garage is a huge hawk. Wow!

Then I told you guys about feelin anxious and fearful. I go on the hike, up Mill Creek since I got my Hawk fix I didn't want to drive so far. I stop on the path just to be still and look around, there on a tree above me was a knot of some sort sticking out from the trunk and it looked just like the face of a Lion. I saw Lion years ago at the U when Joy was showing us how to shape shift. My partners' face turned into a Lion. I immediately thought of that day and what it mean to me. It was certainly my touch stone or this work and quited my doubting Thomas. Lion is about courage. So glad he showed up for me today. Lion and Hawk, Courage and the Guardian. Cool. I feel supported in the middle of this, what ever this is.


Pam said...

Again we turn to nature for answers and support. Thanks, Bo, I think I'll take your lead and pay attention to the signs I'm given.

Joy! said...

You are wide awake! :)