I'm sitting in my recliner early this morning, feet up, laptop on my lap, a blanket around me, mug of coffee the perfect temperature. I am snuggled in for a long writing spell.
Everyone has left. Roxi is by my side. We are both watching the multitude of birds out the window as they feed. My cat has discovered that from time to time the birds hit the window and fall dazed to the ground, and I notice she is camped out just under the feeders. I can see her staring placidly up, all patience. I laugh because she is a hunting opprotunist. For the most part the birds are unperturbed with her presence. She is casually there, don't you mind me sort of energy.
I start to write. I write for several hours. I hit a roll, and when that happens I just don't stop. My coffee is cold. My back is stiff from sitting for so long, no matter how comfortably. I look across, and there on the couch opposite me is my cat, curled up and asleep. Definitely inside the house.
This puzzles me for sure. She has my attention. How did she get in? When did she get in?
I get up from my comfortable nest, which is not so easy to do and certainly not something I could have done without thinking about. Obviously I must have let her in, but when? In order to get up the laptop has to be shut, and put down. I have to kick the legsupport with both feet to get it to lower. I have to shove Roxi off-which in itself is a major moving project when she is comfortable. I have to take the blanket off and stand up...did I do all that?
Did I do all that and forget I did it?
And then renest after sitting down again, replacing everything, and forget all THAT?
I snoop around the house. Maybe a door is open, a window? Maybe upstairs? But no. Nothing is open. Only I am here. And as far as I am aware, this is my first break...am I losing it? When did she get in, and who did it, and if it was me, why don't I remember doing all that stuff?
I know I thought about going out and filling the feeders. I am feeding the flock now and they are storing up for winter. I don't mind, I love watching them. I look at the feeders. They are not full. I haven't been out yet, that much I know. Check. I open the door and go out. Ok THIS is what it feels like to go out. Check. This is what it feels like to fill the feeders. Check. The cat stays asleep on the couch and is still there. motionless.
She could have come in when everyone left this morning, EXCEPT Roxi and I clearly saw her outside staking out bird fillet...did she astral project? Maybe that was her energy body playing 'don't mind me' and that's why the birds weren't worried?
I don't recall her on the couch before, but I suppose it's easier for me to think I missed my black cat laying on the white couch in front of me, than that I deleted 9 steps of my own actions...hmmmm
1 comment:
okay, I know from personal experience that your cat is very intuned and with her caregiver being intuned I can certainly see that she (cat) would be dreaming and you would see her projection. After all the veil is so thin now, it would make sense to me. Astral projection, why not!!!!!
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