Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Garden

Well I have to say the garden was really a challenge in the heat and Terry found that he wasn't getting enough organics into the soil. Most all of the cucumbers were bitter. Our carrots turned out small and not too sweet. Although I must add here that I juiced the carrot tops with my kale today and toss in a little bit of basil, apple, orange and it was a great drink. Tomorrow I will try the carrot tops without the kale and see what happens. The tomatoes are finally producing and we are getting melons, cantaloupe that are very good. Terry picked 4 spaghetti squash today. Even though there isn't huge amounts if any of you are interesting trying some of the harvest let me know.
I thought it was strange that Terry didn't invest in more organics in the garden and we talked about that yesterday. I told him that with all of the plants and produce we didn't get that wouldn't it be wise to get more organic material in the flour beds. His remark to me was he didn't want to be accused of spending a lot of money in the yard. He said that he would never forget his sister saying, we had nothing but our dad could always afford to put money in the yard. I asked him if I had ever said he was spending too much in the yard, thank God I hadn't. I told him I looked at the yard as an investment as well as something we both enjoy and I would rather spend the money to make the soil better and give the plants the opportunity to flourish. I know there is some lessons here...I think some of this is connected to Joy's Mercedes. What are we willing to invest in??????


Joy! said...

well the garden is about growing what feeds you...literally and metaphorically.
The garden grows organic foods that nourish the body, mind and spirit.

Not wanting to invest in the saying,
Terry-not wanting to invest in what feeds you?

He gets such pleasure in working in the garden, and tending it, as well as pleasure from the harvest...

a bit like his version of the mercedes, me thinks...would it have been greedy to "feed" the garden? Greedy to 'feed' ourselves with what really nourishes us?

Berry interestink!

Pam said...

I'm interested in investing in my happiness. I believe I finally convinced myself of this simple little fact just yesterday!