White animals, especially the appearance of them, has always been considered magical.
King Arthur pursues a white deer and arrives at a magical site
Pryderi and Manawydan pursue a white boar that takes them to a magical trap
Prince Pwyll encounters white dogs with red ears
Rhiannon arrivese from the other world on a white horse
The birth of a White Buffalo is supposed to signal the rebirth of humanity
The Pawnee have a myth about white bear medicine woman
We know about White Buffalo Calf woman who is to return when there is chaos and disparity
There are white chinese dolphins...but albino are pretty rare.
I'm just noticing I've been receiving beautiful photos of white animals lately...that's all...
i love albino peacocks...i ordered a bunch of white peacock feathers from a farm 2 years ago for a project at school and it was so intense and beautiful to have them around! Ive never seen one in person though I would love to !
I thought the one I saw in Florida was amazing. I framed the picture I took.
The albino is something rare, something pure, without pigmentation. Rebirth of the new for sure. I think they do symbolize what we are now experiencing here on Earth....glad you brought up this awareness.
You know looking at that dolphin-it's not white-it's PINK! How cute is that!
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