So today I'm sitting at Costco. I have to go in and look at something. I'm in the big truck, so I'm parked a ways away. Right as I pull in it starts raining-hard. Really hard!
I really do not want to get wet. Not THAT wet-it's coming down in sheets!
I don't have an umbrella.
I don't have a hood.
Ok. So it's not a BIG deal-I like water. I won't melt. But I decide I am going to be patient. I am going to practice patience, and be rewarded. I sit, I wait, and the rain comes down MORE! Bigger drops, harder..hmmm....
I get quiet, put a smile on my face and start sending thanks for the opening. I only need a few seconds, a minute tops, to get into the store, so I imagine myself getting dryly into the store, circle it in light and energize it with my thanks for that...
it rains harder. The MORE I focus on the issue-even reverse engineering it-(I think I'm so smart), no matter how clear I am seeing it, it just rains harder and harder. More focus, MORE rain!
I think...hmmm...more focus more rain...
I gotta stop thinking about it-completely.
I gotta trust that my 'request' has gone into the kitchen, and that I am going to be served my meal, I just have to leave the order alone and quit tweaking it.
I'm sitting in my truck, rain pounding down all around me-loudly-how the heck can I think about something else? Not many ways to distract myself when the issue is so in my face.
(Knowing all the time, of course, that I COULD just open the door and get wet and be done with the whole story, too)
I open my purse, and start writing out a check and a deposit slip and doing completely different things-
and I realize as I am slapping a stamp on the envelope...it has completely stopped raining-not just a little...a full on clear window, and it lasted only until I crossed the threshold of Costco and past the group of people looking out and now not wanting to get wet.
My point?
You gotta let it go! You have to get on with things, and let it go. THe more you worry it, even by trying to manifest FOR it, you are still locked in the struggle of it. You gotta let it go...
Yes, I understand. What a great lesson from the Mother. Thank you for sharing.
Reminds me of what I have repeatedly been told since my 20's, let go and let God....still applies, hmmmm.
Not that I am a good practitioner of it.....lol.
this has been confirmed all week for me too in such an intense series of ways...amazing how difficult yet just so simple, let go...
I've experienced this, too, many times in the last few months. I just need to be reminded - put it out there and then forget about it.
yep-it's the letting it go that seems to be our hardest thing!
We look for it, rather than recognizing it when we connect with it and then saying thanks.
We really trust that it's coming, we get on with life and know it's there. It's like trusting that Christmas is coming...yeah! We know it will be here, we just prepare for it. We don't agonize that Christmas will never come. LOL we did that when we were little, yeah?
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