I find these images haunting...what do they think? What would we were we in the same position? What have we done to them? Are they better off, being handed food and kept warm and safe in a cage? Makes you wonder if "safe" is all it's cracked up to be, doesn't it?

This is the one that kept spasming with every child's shrill cry...
Is it because we have become so sensitive that we can see the pain, the isolation. It reminds me of the movie with Sir Anthony Hopkins (Instinct), that movie is so full of irony between the animals and the people in the mental institution.
It would be different if our Zoos' were filled with animals that had been wounded and couldn't be returned to the wild, but I think we know differently, they were caught for the pleasure of man...sick...yup...
The last time I went to the zoo, I had the same feelings as you did Joy. Times have changed and now we can view any animal we want over the internet. It's time to stop putting anything in cages.
You know Jac, that's a wonderful idea.
The zoos be populated only with animals that would have died in the wild were it not for our intervention...that would be such a great cause!!!
What if zoos around the world caught that theme-that but for our intervention they would have died...not healthy animals trapped and maintained in cages for our amusement and "education".
This wasn't educational...to me. It was sad. SO sad. I could see movies that showed the animals in their wild habitat...there are some great ones being filmed and more and more every day.
I do know that some of the animals in the Zoo that is the situation, that they couldn't live in the wild any longer. But wouldn't it be cool if they had to list that in the information that they have at the Zoo. Whether the animal was caught for our entertainment or whether the animal would have perished without out intervention. Kind of like I we eating organic or is it full of pesticides.
A bit about the story of the animal-the circumstances that brought it to this here and now...
like in the first episode of Star Trek! Remember how the original captain that was injured and in that wheelchair?
How the dream planet created a world in which he was whole? And brought that woman to him? At first Kirk thought it inhumane and was trying to "free" him. THEN he gets the epiphany that this is allowing him to live a full life where it matters-in his mind.
The truth of illusion afterall. How we experience our life...hmmmm...
I didn't watch alot of Star Trek so I have no idea, but I was watching some Spy Kids movie about a game, the grandfather in his daily life was confined to a wheelchair, but in the game he was mobile and felt so empowered by having that.
We as human have free agency, does an animal. Are we making the choices for how this animal will live. Is it an illusion in this here and now that we see the vacant eyes of the animal.
In the name of science and education.
How then do we suppse we are teaching humanity? Kindness? How then are we teaching them to be guardians of the earth energies?
With a zoo?
Kind of like the propaganda of food. Well will just, justify our actions by saying we do it in our best interest. I agree in teaching another way of how to be guardians of the Earth energy. Do we have to cage up what we don't understand.
Thought how about an article for the Catalyst. My Trip To The Zoo...
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