Monday, June 4, 2007

Sacred Moments

Joy I understand what you are saying. Yesterday I had a perspective shift. As usual, I am thinking we have to save the world. We have to protect the creatures of the planet and the planet, the four legged the two legged the whole "kit and caboodle". (Wonder where in the world that expression comes from????) Then suddenly I realized who's protecting who? Who is holding the energy and teaching us? They are coming from the Four Directions and shouting at us, wake up.... listen.... we are here the time is now.
Hiking yesterday with Jac and Ray in the Unita's was more magical that I will ever be able to write in this email. The whole experience sacred. Our hike up the mountain to see the Beaver Dams brought us into communion with all in our path. When we reached our distention, we could hear the Hawk crying loudly. Not just once but over and over. We searched for what seemed like long time before we saw him sitting in the top of dead branches way above us. We stood still and watched and were watched but he did not move. Then far in the distance we saw another circling over the mountain but very far away. I kept hoping they would fly closer but no. So we continued up to the other side of the Beaver ponds to sit under the pines while a light shower passed over us. After resting we walked to the pond, Ray pulled out tobacco to thank Spirit and the spirits of the four directions for our journey. The sun was now shinning. The meadow where we stood was lush and green and wet. Ray raised his hand to the sky holding the tobacco, the gift he brought, suddenly the Hawk was directly over him, hovering and low as if suspended in air. Ray's eyes were closed so he did not see the Hawk at first. He continued his prayer in the Lakota Language and the Hawk began to circle higher and higher as if carrying our prayers on the wind to the sun.
I wished for you all . I all but did a dance. I was taking pictures as fast I could. I was trying to soak in every second and could not believe I was there and this was happening. It felt so profoundly sacred and ancient and new. We are all one. One with the All in All. We are cradled by the messengers of the animal kingdom in this change of energy coming in now. I still believe we have our part in holding this scared transition but we are by no means alone.
Before we left the Beaver Village we looked up and now saw three hawks gliding on the four winds far above us. Three of us on the mountain, three hawks, I didn't take off my shoes but I should have, we truly stood on holy ground.


CatherineAnn said...

We are all with you now that you have shared your scared experience with us. The animals are telling us something. Will I listen? I like Joy's idea of writing down all the aminals and number that talk to us each day. I have had a lot of 777's. Saw the mouse this morning first thing.

Jacqueline Brown, said...

Bo I love the slideshow. I love what you wrote.
I will get you Rays' email. My computer was acting weird last night and I couldn't get it to do anything on the internet. As you can see its working fine now.
I love the engagement we had with Earth and Sky yesterday. It was so powerful, sacred.

Joy! said...

Can't wait to see the pictures. Yesterday was magical in so many ways. I am delighted you went out into it. I too was out. It was breathtaking. The clouds-the water-the leaves-it's all magic isn't it?