As with all viruses, parasites, bacerium, they have a living consciousness, and a will to live. They are creating an internal environment that suits them-not you.
We've said with things like candida, as they start to die off, they send out a distress signal to get you to stop! They are coded into your into your thoughts, so it dialogs like "I feel like I'm dying", inorder to get you to stop. When I was running it on myself, there was one evening when every insecurity and phobic response to the world was up. I laid on the couch with tears coming down my face and said to Tony "was I EVER pretty?" he laughed and said yes. I felt awful...and I realized it wasn't me. It was definitely the virus.
That gladdened me, but you are right on Rebecca when you talk about the hormonal component. That is exactly what the viruses trigger in us-they upset the hormonal chemical cart in us-and when we tip, we reach for certain things. Those chemicals directly affect mood. Mood affects our food triggers.
Hence-food cravings for sugars, starches, the things that create that happy environment for them, and do shit all for us.
The thing is: I don't get that this is a continuous thing. I think the virus infects us, triggers the sudden increase in the creation of fat cells, and then our body has to deal with the subsequent increase in estrogen etc because of it.
These chickens died with enlarged pale livers. Well sure, the liver is stressed out of its mind! AND if I recall, you had elevated liver enzymes did you not?
Everything you mentioned below in your post points to no-nonsense dieting rules. And anyone out there that reads what you wrote will say "isn't that what we have been telling you? No starches, no sugars, exercise more, get up and off the couch". And you are right. And they are right.
My entire point isn't that they are wrong. It is ONLY about changing OUR perception of ourselves. All that self blame and self loathing and those beliefs that we are failures because we gained the weight to begin with, and then can't seem to get it off like other people-all that garbage-is moot.
there is an unspoken part-what happens when we are clear of the virus.
1. we are still overly abundant in active fat cells.
what are the ramifications of that? well, higher estrogen is one. An imbalance in our hormones.
the good news is we have great cholesterol.
2. is the only answer lipo? Wow-that's some expert's opinions. THEY say that we can't get rid of fat cells. I'm really curious about that. We can make them shrink, and we can get them to become inactive...somehow. Ok. THAT is a start.
3. are we still making fat cells in abundance? I don't think so. They say that the virus seems to run it's course in 60 days after exposure. Those chickens gain the weight in a few months, on the same amount of regulated food as the other chickens.
then we deal with the after effects, same as EPV, or Mono, or any other virus. Exposure, manifestation, then the fallout effects on the body.
As to your questions-
what makes it grow?
what does it do, what are it's mechanisms?
How does it do what it does in my body?
The virus triggers stem cells to turn into fat cells. Then the fat cells, once activated and on line, begin to plump up. I don't know if the virus itself grows-it seems like it is more a catalyst that sets off a chain reaction in the body. Why? They don't have that answer yet.
Remember; the experts say it isn't 'a life threatening virus, so not one they are interested in, BECAUSE it only makes you fat. BUT my point is-fat is the leading cause of life-threatening illness in many OTHER diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes-which are currently, inexplicably on the rise-to epidemic proportions in our country-coincidentally, in the same time period...the last 20 years.
Which of my body systems are directly affected by it?
The liver because it gets enlarged and pale in those chickens, and probably the kidneys I would think. The heart and probably the pancreas-but that's my intuitive hit based on the relatable illnesses of heart disease and diabetes. It directly effects the hormonal levels, and so mood, and the brain.
Ask them. Email them and ask! Then post it. But they will probably want you to take a blood test.
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