Thursday, June 21, 2007

Children of the Andes

While in Peru this time I met Pierre, who has begun a wonderful enducational project in Peru. His website is
CHILDREN OF THE ANDES and they are bringing Waldorf education to the villages in Peru. They are building a 5000 s/f building, and have really taken huge steps forward including having teachers there already.

I thought you all might be interested is seeing it. We talked a long time about the possiblilties of raising money for them, or with them, or doing a project together...


Jacqueline Brown, said...

I find this interesting. Only you Joy has responded to my email about the Children of the Andes. I am the only one responding to your mention here on the blog.

Joy! said...

I don't see anyone responding to anything except you and I lately. Don't fret.

Joy! said...

Catherine Ann is deep in AD36 land, Lauren has just returned for CR, Kathy just back from San Diego, I don't know where Pam is but she feels far away too.

It's ok. Everything has a natural cycle. THis is summer.