Sunday, June 10, 2007

great day

im back on raw i mentioned in the comments I made marinated vegetables....looks delicious and smells even better...will be ready to eat tomorrow...i made a huge salad and got out my book of my own raw recipes...all of a sudden i began writing like crazy! i invented all of these creations to try out! i cant is really nice to be in my own space again, even though the kitchen is the size of a closet. I set up my juicer and im ready to go tomorrow...

I meditated for the first time back in nY...that grounded me immediately, then listened to my kirtan cd and meditated some more...the huge change was I went to the market and listened again to what my body was the first time i really HEARD something regarding food....the past few weeks have been really strange....but its like my body pulled me back to center and said follow me...i began grabbing things off of the shelf for creations of food I had no idea about! Im excited again about food....RAW FOOD YEA! this has been the longest period ive been out of it and this week especailly ive been feeling like complete crap but knew it was coming to an end... Ive been reading about Ayurveda today and thinking about what my body needs to feel balanced in this way...I will keep you guys posted on what i find for me....

its amazing how once you get back to center you realize how long youve been been a long time and a lot of work these past few weeks and now my body is guiding me and i am being quiet and following....


Pam said...

Over the last 5 days I've had steak, bread, mac & cheese, and fried halibut. This morning I woke up feeling very nauseous and with a headache. I immediately went back on the raw and raw-ish. So I'm right there with you, Lauren. This going back and forth is getting rougher and I need to focus on how light my body feels after eating raw and keep that in front of me at all times.

Jacqueline Brown, said...

Raw is just so amazing!
I just started going to a Ayurveda Salon recently and I love what its about. The products they use does not harm the environment and the building its in is all recycled materials. Its nice to be somewhere that they walk the talk.
We are getting peas out of the garden right now and they are so yummy. I am going to make your recipe.

Bo said...

I am the Queen of back and forth. Seems a little better in the last 24 hours. Hope this was an energetic shift and not a pattern. HA! Way to go Lauren, insight and conscious living. You are way ahead of the game.