Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Copying Beethovean

A beautiful movie if you haven't seen it. "Copying Beethovean"
I was struck by a particular passage is which he is telling his copyist, Anna Holtz, how to listen for the music. I wrote it down...

"...listen to the voice speaking inside of you. Find the silence in yourself so you can hear the music. Silence between the notes. Silence is the key. When that silence envelopes you, then your soul can sing."

It's the same thing in our work. Getting to that silence so we can hear.


Jacqueline Brown, said...

What a wonderful quote....
Sounds very Zen Shaman

Anonymous said...

yes....thats the place i love its so incredibly quiet there....

Joy! said...

and we don't go there near enough in our busy noisy lives...not near enough.
Ever notice how really quiet it is when the power is off? We aren't even aware of that constant background noise.

Bo said...

AMEN And So It Is!

Love the Quote, thanks for sending.

Rebecca said...

It's not the OUTSIDE noise that matters, it's the inside noise. The noise of your mind, your thoughts. Listen to the silence between thoughts. Get still in your mind, in your thoughts.

"...Silence between the notes."

Notes = thoughts

Just my 2 cents.

Jacqueline Brown, said...

I love your 2 cents Rebecca.