What a glorious day. I went out into my backyard to do Tai Chi and it was so invigorating. Its wonderful to do this slow dance, listening to the birds in my yard. Connecting to the Earth, Connecting to the sky. When I was done with Tai Chi I then opened up my Mesa and watched the sunlight dance off my stones. I could sense how much the stones enjoyed being solarized. When I closed my eyes I got a vision of a V with a rainbow attached on both sides. I tried to use a graphic program I have but it just didn't work, so I will draw it and photograph it and see what happens. As I am continuing to commune with nature, the thought comes that how many people are missing this engagement today. How many are not appreciating the wind blowing through their hair. How many don't hear the birds because they are too busy. I feel honored and filled full of gratitude that I have the opportunity to have these experiences. Have a beautiful day and take the time to breathe in life.
wish i could be there with you! but reading it i felt like i was!
I thought of you while I was outside and thought, geez Lauren would need to go to Central Park to be in nature.
Way to go Jac'O. Love that in you.
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