Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Feel of Abundance



Anonymous said...

you made this? nice!!! joy i think you shouls make this with marcos music too .... they would be amazing...

CatherineAnn said...

Beautiful. You are getting really good at this. Will you show me how to do this?

Jacqueline Brown, said...

Oh how wonderful!
I feel the abundance, this working on so many levels. I love it!

Joy! said...

thank you everyone! It was great fun.
Yes Lauren, I would love to use Marco's music...he doesn't have any original compostion at the moment.
We will see! It is exactly what I saw though, you are right on.

Joy! said...

Jac and CA, this is what I proposed doing with your art awhile back-making them into moving visual meditations.

I would be happy to do it if you want to send me more jpegs of your art, or post them and I can get them off the blog.

Jacqueline Brown, said...

I thought I sent them to you. I can send them again. I would love to have them created into a moving visual meditation.