Sunday, September 30, 2007


Here is this HUGE magpie sitting on my little birdfeeder so she can stare me right in the eye. She is balanced there-staring at me right as I read Bo's comment about 'getting on with it.'

I had a client yesterday, tell me my website is down. And it is. My webmaster has disappeared, but he did renew my webaddress to a new domain server so I can't access anything. SHEET.

Ok-breathe. I've been thinking for about 4 years of changing my name, so maybe this is a hint from the big U that it is time.
Nothing of the old is left for me to pull from. It's gone. Down. And he's unavailable.

I slept long, hard, deep, and this morning instead of feeling refreshed and tra-la, I am ready to rip heads! I feel anger and frustration and I want things done now. I feel impatient and I feel like it's time to rip into a bloody steak. Something bio-chemical has shifted in me. I want meat. Real meat. A big thick steak. Not namby pamby chicken, or little sushi rolls of raw eel. I want a rack of ribs to knaw on.

I think I've connected to my primative DNA-it's surfacing with a thinks this might be a good thing for awhile. I've been feeling a bit like a cow chewing cud...if you know what I mean. Placid. "It will all work. It will all happen in the right time."

While I feel good on raw, I feel lousy doing half, and really lousy doing a bit here and there. I have to get back on or I have to get really off for awhile. Since I do have a barbeque, I'm going to do a week of high protein and see if that shifts me a bit.

Wonder what high protein and green juice would do? Hmmmmmm
Time to rethink and experiment in a new direction.


Jacqueline Brown, said...

Well Magpie is about using what you have, but in a new way, so there you go. It also is what talents do you have and are not using.
I am with you as far as the half green half not, and my body knows it. But then again it is about what the body is saying it needs, so it sounds like it isn't getting enough Protein.

Joy! said...

Went to the store thinking steak;
came home with edamame (3 kinds, a made salad from the deli, frozen beans, and a bag of frozen pods)
2 containers of fresh water eel sushi!
I couldn't look at the raw meat! Good idea but ew. Hmmmm
Maybe yesterday was intestinal memory surfacing? It lasted for about 3 hous. Then was gone as soon as I ate a container of edamame...

Joy! said...

I also came home with enough food for 3 days, so there must have been a deprivation loop going with the kitchen in final stages of disarray.

One more week
one more week
one more week

tues electrician...gotta get the fans
wed plumber yeah!
thurs cabinet doors
fri finish carpenter maybe...maybe not
weekend finish floors
next week the granite tops

we will see!