Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I have no idea why I am awake, why I have been awake, am still awake...
anyone else? I can't seem to settle. It's like I've forgotten how to sleep...


Bo said...

This is what I get.
Spiritual: Ah to those who hold open the doors of the new creation. The vibration is high and it takes your body time to catch up and settle into this new way of being. Grounding may help.
Physical: Menopause plays hell with the thyroid. Even a slight embalance can cause big problems with sleep.
Emotional: Give voice to all that you have chruning inside you.
Mental: Step out of mental language and center in your core essence.

CatherineAnn said...

Well, Ozbo is alive and well. I have been sleeping really well the last week.

Anonymous said...

i didnt sleep last night either i was roaming the streets in manhattan at 2am....then back up in the apt not sleeping well stayed up most of the night and woke up at 1pm....

Anonymous said...

the jungle is calling

Pam said...

I've actually been sleeping well the last week - until last night and I was up and down and roamed the house until almost 4:00 a.m.

Joy! said...

thanks Bo-sounds great.
As to the night wanderings-let's set our intent to "meet" and have a drink shall we?
Where and when?
How about meeting on the moon tonight? Sangria on me...

Joy! said...

I am sleeping every other night. EW last night-sick dog and when a big dog gets the trots...ohmygod what a mess! And I do mean MESS!!! Not a good time to be out of paper towel either.