Friday, June 29, 2007

Ad36 in response to Joy's Ad36 thoughts

Do you think Ad36 like candida? Can we apply the same behaviors we used to fix candida to Ad36? For example, when I'm fixing my candida I stop consuming sugar of any kind, I start taking lactobacillus, things like that.

So, sugars, starches and anything I'm jonesing for should be noted as foods that create the happy Ad36 environment. Maybe even thoughts should be noted. It's the weirdest damn thing, I'll be driving along, out of the clear blue I think of fudge brownie shakes -- then my car is on auto-pilot and I'm in the back seat watching the virus order a fudge brownie shake. We used to think it was our little girl, maybe it was the virus.

I hope you expand on your thoughts or hits that "this is [not] a continuous thing". I do agree that now that the condition is here, I believe we have to treat the condition. We have excess stored energy that needs to be used or flushed. BUT I still think the virus is alive and well in me, otherwise why would we be getting the death distress signals? And if the virus isn't continuous, then why doesn't the body recover from the temporary body fat increase as it is naturally programmed to do and now that the virus is gone? And what do they test for when they are looking for people infected by Ad36, the carcass, a latent virus? What do you mean by the virus isn't continuous.

I can't remember if I had elevated liver enzymes, but it seems like that's possible. I'll dig those tests out and look at it. The thing is, my body responds to my efforts in blood tests, meaning I have great cholesterol numbers, A1C is great, even my blood sugars are good, but it never manifests in fat loss. Either I can't maintain my efforts long enough to achieve fat loss or the fat loss is impervious to my efforts. Either way no fat loss.

Changing our perception of ourselves. Okay, that has come along gradually. All the work I (we've) done on treating my little girl in a good way, healing past wounds/issues. And more so recently since I've been learning how to take care of my self esteem. PLUS learning about this virus has short circuited most of that ugly negative self talk and self judgement. You're right it's moot now.

So to address your points by number:
1.Overly abundant and active fat cells.
First of all, yes certainly we have too many fat cells. But it is a myth that they never go away. I've been following that particular idea since I was 18 years old. That's when I first went to a Dr. for liposuction because I figured that the only way I could get rid of them. Instead he sent me to Nutri-Systems. They put me on 800 cal/day. Killed my metabolism. Bastards!

It's a myth. We can get rid of fat cells. We are getting rid of cells all the time, not only fat cells all cells. We turn over all of our cells every 7 years. Dr. Oz on the Oprah show is one person who said we could get rid of fat cells. I can dig deeper on that if you want me to.

Fat cells do produce estrogen, yes, but if you balance that with progesterone it should help, at least until the problem is solved and the body can go back to homeostasis.

2.Lipo is NOT the answer. That does NOTHING to address the root cause of the problem. The answer is to first turn off the virus. And second then weight loss efforts WILL work. THEN raw food will drop 40, 50, 60 lbs like other people experience and the body will normalize its self.

3. I think we are making fat cells in abundance because the virus is actively alive in the body. I look at the Ad36 virus more like a cancer than a simple cold virus, and the tumor it is growing is the fat.

I don't understand this mechanism that the virus runs its course in 60 days after exposure. I haven't happened upon that information yet. I feel like this has been going on for years. Like 20 years. What if there is a virus exposure, active period, dormant period (while "baby" viruses are gestating), then a growth to "adult" virus for 60 days. Then dormancy. And it's cyclical? What do you think? Would that fit with your readings? Can you point me to where you read about that it runs it's course in 60 days part.

Are you saying that, oh let's say for example, I was exposed 20 years ago. I put on fat. The virus died. But the fat that I put on in those 60 days has affected my body ever since? All this is the result on one exposure? Eventually resulting in obesity, morbid obesity, heart disease, diabetes etc. Then why have all my weight loss efforts failed over the last 20 years when the virus was gone? Multiple exposures? Does that mean we have to run frequencies every 60 days for the rest of our lives? (I'm going to need my own machine, in that case.)

Okay, so these are good things to follow up on. Good thinking. I hope anyone with ideas on this will chime in no matter what the idea is.


Joy! said...

good points.
And I like that you are thinking-but I'm not sure it's quite the same as candida-I was only using that as an example of a living organism with an agenda.

antibodies in the bloodstream prove that you have been your system is primed for the next time. That feels more like the dynamic of an allergic response.

You are thinking of it as living or dead. It's not. It's like a visitation, an exposure. Viruses cause a mutation in us. We are CHANGED because of the exposure. Our body now has a new program-to create and maintain a higher than normal level of fat-without it changing our blood chemistry-cholesterol wise.

We don't know down the road the natural ramifications of this-cycle cell anemia then makes them impervious to malaria-but we only found that out years later.

Maybe when there is world hunger we will live when all around us die...who knows the big picture.

But, I think we can't assume. The actual cell dies, yes, but it is replaced with a carbon copy. That's cell replication-so the virus causes a nudge-and then our body replicates off the nudge. So yes, the cell is maintained.

Go back and follow the links I posted in all the articles, and the links to the expert's websites which are also there.

Don't go running amuck on me. Stay rational. I don't have the answers for what you are asking, and I would say, read up and then let's talk.

CatherineAnn said...

I am understanding this better now with your comment Joy. So it's like a computer that had a virus and is never the same without a healing from the comptuter Dr. So we are the computer Dr and we will get the harddrive back to orginal working order.

Joy! said...

yes. that's why in theta we talk about things like reinstalling the original blueprint, or how a total physical healing takes 3 mns so that several generations of cells may be replicated so the body gets the new healed program completely.

But Rebecca's comments make me think further of course, so maybe there is a "lurking" something to be nuked.

Lyme's disease - viral. And you definitely have to kill off something to get "well" again.
Hepatitis is viral - and again you do a healing

why not with AD36? If it's viral, then sure, there is a something to be healed from. Thanks R, because your comments are making me ask new questions-

let's keep dialoging on this...

Joy! said...

"what do they test for when they are looking for people infected by Ad36"

they are testing for antibodies in the blood. The body creates antibodies for the virus to fight it off, and these remain forever ... waiting for the "next time" it is exposed. When they test your blood, they can literally see everything you were ever exposed to, and your mother-because she passes it to you in her blood, which is why babies are born with HIV. It's the antibodies TO the virus-not the full blown virus-which is AIDS. Get it? Sort of like the body's attempt at a vaccine. Vaccine's infect us with a minute bit OF the disease so that our body will create it's own antibodies to fight it off. Self defense.

Perhaps the increase of fat is a self defense mechanism that our body modes into to fight the virus? Maybe the virus doesn't actually make us fat, but rather there is something in increasing body fat that "protects" us from the virus? Interesting idea...

I wonder if there is something different in the activated fat cells, from other fat cells, and could they tell any difference?

Joy! said...

The presence of AD36 antibodies means that you were exposed. It does NOT mean that you have manifested the weight gain, as 10% of the people tested have NOT gained weight. Again, like HIV and AIDS.

And Hepatitis C-my mother was infected 45 years ago, and it has remained dormant in her system, although they always caution her about it.

Right Rebecca and Lauren, some OTHER component must be present for it to manifest-and that is exactly what we are tracking for. That "other" thing.

So far the only thing that has shown up across the board in everyone-and that is the great cholesterol and triglyceride numbers.

But then, I don't know what the other 29 markers are that they are testing for and coming up ziltch. What have they tried, and what haven't they?

Wouldn't you love to be a researcher on this? I would! I love a good puzzle, and I've got a vested interest in this one too.