i was at my best-friends wedding shower all day today and when i got home i went on a super super intense cleaning mission/meditation/workout/release/who knows what ...
i threw all of my clothes out of the drawers refolded and reorganized them - moved all of my furniture around - threw everything in my fridge out washed all of the shelves - cleaned and organized my bathroom - threw out bags of garbage - organized all of my books - swept - im leaving some things out....anyway point is i needed to - something has been brewing for a while and today i took it out on my apt....well allowed it to work through...a lot has been shifting the past few weeks and ive been feeling a little strange hormones out of wack again....
im sure all of the wedding talk today boggled it out and brought whatever was festering to a head...i felt so driven and intense then shifted to anger until i sat down - 4 straight hours of intense cleaning in 500 sq feet....now im calm (but sore from moving furniture!)
it feels so much better in here....it looks better its 'clear' - and i feel the shift inside me....each area seems more like a little vignette more specific for function but also more comfortable - it somehow seems bigger more organized better boundaries - i created a sitting area - a bed/sleeping area - a work area- a living room area - my mesa area ---- so what is it ive done inside???
im on a juice fast tomorrow....mondays are juice fast day (something i started a while back and reinstated recently because ive been so off)....i really need it tomorrow...
I would benefit greatly by such focused energy myself. I'm so glad you posted this.
How often do you drink juice when you juice fast? Do you limit it in anyway? Could fruit and water smoothies count as juice?
i drink whatever and whenever i want and as much as i want --- i try to keep a huge jug of water with lemons and oranges cut up that i keep refilling and drink that in between to help flush stuff out... pee a lot but thats good! im dooin it again today....i did it partially yesterday and today all juice so far...im just going with the flow on it...feels so good though!
I bought a mini-tramp to try to help my lymph system along in flushing this dead virus bug out. I've increased my water intake. But my diet has been absolute shit. I've had crazy cravings and almost auto-pilot type urges to eat in old bad patterns. I think my body would love me to give it only juice for a day. Something to help clean out this crap. I'm thinking Sunday would be a good day for that.
What types of juices are you making?
Thanks again for your posts. Even if I don't comment, I read every single one of them and I'm inspired. :)
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