Saturday, June 30, 2007

questions about ad36

what im wondering is if the virus definition is contingent on gaining weight - because all of these symptoms seem like what i had minus the weight gain....i never gained weight - except on birth control (artificial hormones). when i ask i get that it is similar to chronic fatigue its a similiar thread with epstein barr and herpes virus (both of which are 'essential' to a cfs diagnosis)....or is what makes cfs and fibromyalgia and others different is the specific way in which ad36 effects fat cells?

is there possibly something else that determines the weight gain component...? can ad36 occur in people without the side effect of weight gain but can give enlarged liver kidney problems adrenals hormones etc etc...i think theres a larger piece here - and maybe variations on this dis-ease......?


Joy! said...

10% of the people tested did NOT have weight gain but still tested that they had been exposed and had antibodies.

Joy! said...

I've wondered about the possible connection of AD36 to CF and Fibro myself, much like the mono/EBV connection.

It might be one of the markers they are testing for, and maybe not...yet.