Ok Rebecca- this is a recap for you, because you are coming into this a bit later but nevertheless you are getting it-
If someone has never had a weight issue, has never struggled, been confused or frustrated with doing all the right things and not getting the results expected, then they don't understand the reason why I, and others in my same position, might feel angry, deceived and vindicated by the exposing of this infectious viral condition that just happens to cause us to gain up to 3x our body fat on the same food as others.
THIS is exactly what we have been saying for years. At least the last 20 years since the mid 80s, which is exactly when this virus seems to have come into existence. AND it's when the Infectious disease agency knew about it, and when the US population seems to have inexplicably gained 30% in bodyfat index.
We've gone to experts of all sorts saying "But I don't eat any more than anyone else, WHY am I gaining weight and they don't?" Well we were called lazy, for one thing. And told we lacked willpower, motivation and self esteem. If we really wanted it, we would be able to do it, of course!
I remember my husband saying "You are so strong, and you can do anything, WHY can't you lose this weight???" And I sat down and cried and said "I don't know!!!" I truly was trying. I had tried everything. AND I was trying the old diets that had always worked for me. And they no longer were.
As you all know, 17 years ago I finally opted for a gastric bypass because I couldn't get on top of it. I couldn't figure it out. I ate. But even if I ate vegetables I gained. Hell, we've been on rawish for what, 8 months now, and much to my chagrin, I have lost a whooping 10-12 pounds-and that's got to be half water because it vacillates. Is that normal? People tell me they shed 40, 50 60 pounds or more. Hmmmm. Ok. It took me a year to lose 15 pounds a few years ago-which I gained back...and am in the process of losing again. And I am not losing inches this time because I am no where near those size 6 pants this time.
The experts say any number of things already posted on the blog under "the rules that don't work for me".
It's your fault...that's a big one. We came to believe to the core of who we are that there was a "something" we could do to change it, and that it was happening because of something we did. Wow.
That alone is huge.
But the things we were bombarded with, and that we took in as truths were:
You are eating too much. (so we cut back sometimes to as little as 500 calories a day-way less than a normally metabolized person should have to eat.)
You're eating the wrong foods. (we modified our eating in any number of ways-and followed diets perpetuated by the thin, and the newly thin. It's a whole industry)
Cut back on calories. (we did)
Cut back on carbs. (we did)
Exercise more. (we did)
But for some of us, much to our shame and humiliation, we still checked in with little if any, significant weight and fat loss.
Even pills, shots, and various meds brought little relief.
I'm just saying WHAT IF it's this virus? And WHAT IF it isn't your fault, or my fault. What if it's true that we eat the same amount as a thin person, and we gain weight on it? WHAT IF we have 3x the fat cells, NOT because our mother bottlefed us when we were an infant-(which is when experts are saying we actually created our surplus of fat cells).
Do you know that they teach that all of your fat cells are created when you are an infant so if you are a fat baby you will be a fat adult? That's so not true! But people believe it.
Why then do we have a hard time believing in a virus that can make someone fat?
What if it's an infectious agent that they have known about since the 80s, that triggers your stem cells to turn into fat cells?
What if these same experts say "it ONLY makes people fat" so it isn't a big deal.
What if this multi billion dollar "weight gain/loss" industry has developed out of this virus and it's side effects? WHOA...talk about a conspiracy theory
Hey-40% of the people tested are testing positive. Now granted, that's 40% of the people that suspect they have been exposed. But 40% is a huge number! And 10% of those people are thin, NOT fat.
What if the pharmaceutical industry, who manufactures those weight LOSS supplements, as well as the diabetic, and high blood pressure meds that are the results of the weight gain, are perfectly happy to have us fat and getting fatter? FAT is good for the economy.
Follow the money and you might realize why there are only two doctors that are taking this at all seriously...and with little if any support or credibility coming their way because of it, and a lot of flack from their peers.
What I hear now from those same thin experts is "fat people are just looking for an excuse for being fat when what they really need to do is lose weight".
This one infuriates me. I'm by no means fat anymore, although I feel some days as if I still weigh 300 pounds. I'm 15 pounds more than I want to weigh though, after major surgery, and like Bo said, I'm no longer making myself crazy because I'm not in that size 6. THIS is my body. I accept it, flabby underarms and all.
But that prejudice that I hear still angers me. Fat people are passionate people. They are kinesthetic FEELING people. They feel MORE than others, and deeper, and they take things harder. They have huge energy-that gets expended carrying extra weight.
You pick up a couple of toddlers and strap them to your body and carry them around all the time, and tell me that it isn't exhausting. Try it. I dare you! You think they don't WANT to lose weight? THey want it more than anything. They aren't looking for a quick fix. They want to see normal results.
All these weight loss ads make me nuts too. There is a model, sporting her new 6pack-which is like near impossible for women by the way-
and in tiny size 4 font at the bottom of the ad it says " these results are not typical" so they cover their own asses. Ok, what are the typical results? A few pounds? One pound a week? One pound a month? Who can keep their motivation going in the face of that???
6 years ago I signed up with a medical clinic. I followed the program religiously-including weekly shots, and I lost a whooping pound and a half...a MONTH. I persevered though because they tell us that when you lose it slowly, it stays off. It took me more than a year to drop 15 pounds. I got down to a 6-but I still had a very high percentage of bodyfat. They were stymied. I was wearing a size 6 and my body fat was 30%. Does that make sense???
All I'm saying is that when you don't fit their box, don't keep trying to shove yourself into it, or beat yourself up because you don't fit. There is another box. And maybe, just maybe AD36 is it. It's not about finding an excuse, it's about finding something that makes sense when nothing else does.
I've called myself an addict. I've beaten myself every way to Sunday. I know this world. And, realizing that it could well be this virus that is the culprit and not my weak self esteem, or my lack of willpower-well, it's freeing.
Much like all those women that were told menopausal symptoms were in their heads...by well meaning experts that told them to go home and get a grip.
But I don't have an answer yet. What if we test positive for the virus? Then what? Is there a cure? There is NOT a conventional cure. No vaccine. Nil research in that direction. Those doctors are still trying to get people to listen to them as they try and prove that there IS a virus!
Well, the experts say once we have those extra fat cells the only way to get rid of them is lypo or other surgeries because we don't lose fat cells even when we lose weight-they just shrink. Did you know that? You lose weight when the fat cells stop "storing' and release. But you don't lose the fat cell itself. It stays there waiting to get the orders to store again.
I'm open to suggestions. I'm open to working with a group of like minded people on a research project. I'm open to using the frequencies to find a protocol that works. I'm open to all of us trying things and pooling information. But so far, we are 3. CA, me, and now you Rebecca. Think about it-those numbers in the face of all the people out there that we know are facing the same obstacles...that's daunting isn't it? Why aren't more people willing to realize that this might not be their fault? It's so much easier for people to blame than it is for people to forgive, isn't it.
Talk about hitting a limiting belief / the wall of apathy. But under the apathy is anger. And under anger is fear. And under fear is compassion...
which part? I am applauding you for getting it, and realizing that it could very well be a virus. People aren't willing to think outside the box-they keep trying diets.
This is something completely different, and requires a whole different way of thinking about weight, fat anad eating.
YEAH for coming to the table with your understanding it because it will take more than 2 of us!
I think Rebecca's ??? was the fact the text hadn't published. THe message was blank on my computer until this morning. Thank you for posting this Joy. I was beginging to feel so beat down by this virus. I took a break last night and didn't do the treatment as I muscle tested to take a break. I will continue Monday.
When I did the Optifast. You don't eat anything and a 300 a day calorie liquid drink. Most in the class lost two to three times the weight I did. I did loose weight because even if you have the virus, if you starve yourself you do loose weight. Until you go back to anything that isn't starving, then it comes back. Start eating celery and tomatoes and there it is ......back like the plague.
Yeah, the ??? was because nothing but the title showed up. Not because I didn't understand your post. In fact, I understand your post as though I had written it myself. I could write the EXACT same message. Arrggh! The only thing you left out is that folks like us, get called liars in addition to lazy and lacking willpower. People do not believe you when you say, I've followed the diet to a tee, they think you must be cheating somehow.
I have all the tools I need to successfully lose weight, I know how to eat well, I know how to exercise - gently but effectively, I know how to care for my unconsciousness, my mindless, anesthetic, numbing eating. I know how to care for my self esteem. I have stretching books, and raw uncook books, and just the right attitude... And yet, I gain weight.
My spirit, my inner self tells me there is some switch to throw, some something to find, a holy grail, but it's out there if I just keep searching. If I just keep trying.
The Ad36 seems to be a logical explanation for the brick wall we seem to be bashing our heads against. It is daunting. And I'm afraid it's something that can't really be understood by someone who hasn't experienced it.
We are not alone. If we extrapolate the 40% of those tested, who test positive for Ad36, to the population of our nation that 120.5 million people who are struggling in the exact same way we are. The three of us aren't even a drop in that bucket, we are hydrogen and two oxygen molecules.
that is exactly why I call it a "weight GAIN" industry, and not weight loss. They are capitalizing on our sense of failure, and our quest to find a cure. BUT if you have been exposed to this virus, it's a whole different game.
The reason you gain it back when you eat ANYTHING else is because those fat cells shrink but still have the program to plump.
Theta, and changing their program may well be it.
I think this is why they say that the "cure" is the gastric bypass-because you can't eat more. It still seems like an incredibly drastic measure, but on the other hand, it saved me from 17 years of living inside my 300 pound or more me...
I still have a higher than average body fat index despite training at the gym and high mountain expeditions. It didn't make any difference.
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