This weekend I had an incident as you all know.
Very clearly I "heard" apple cider vinegar during the second day. Now, it could have been from the blood loss, but hey! I listened.
This is an old old folk remedy, and 20 years ago or more I remember I had a book by a botanist who went to the Ozark Mtns to study this remedy and it was filled with amazing cures. Mostly I remembered that it was awesome for balancing the intestinal tract with the best bacteria possible, and that if you ever ate any food you suspected of being tainted, to drink the tea.
So I sent Jon to the grocery store with one thing on the list. Why?
Because the immune system is in the gut. It just is, and my gut was off track. I wasn't clearing, and I was overtoxinanted. :) My own word.
And if we are out of balance-anywhere-including our hormones-it has to do with our gut. EVERYTHING ELSE in our body is coming off that.
I knew I had triggered something, and I knew that I had to get on top of it. It might be my hormones that were reacting, but it was my gut that I had to clear, and I wasn't up to a colonic, or starting that colonix. I had been getting the right message-I just was overthinking the solution. When I got "empty" a simple solution, my favorite, came to me.
So, in addition to the progesterone cream, I did apple cider vinegar tea.
If any of you had taken my Intuitive Anatomy class, you would have it in the materials, but you haven't so I want to give it to you, and if this rings for you-use it.
2-3 tbs apple cider vinegar
1 tsp of raw honey-or more
hot water
sip it throughout the day, at least 2 mugs full a day, preferably before each meal. And if you drink it at night, you will sleep like a baby. Deep and deeper.
We've talked about the power of fermented foods to balance the bacterial load in your system.
We've talked about the importance of clearing your g.i. tract.
We've talked about cleanses, and detoxes, and colonics...
I still have to say, that the very best is nature.
I overstressed my stressed system-that's what caused the bleedout.

Yes, my body crashed.
Yes, it was a healing crisis.
Yes, my hormones were off.
Yes, I have been bloated-which is another word for inflamed. And inflammation means toxins that are backed up. And inflammation has lots of fancy disease names: arthritis, high blood pressure, edema to name a few.
Yes, toxins are stored in fat cells, cellulite pockets and saddle bags.
Yes, the bloat wasn't clearing, and I looked like I was 4 mns pregnant!
This is ALL symptomatic of overloaded lymphs BTW.
Yes, sluggish lymphs are helped by two things-deep breathing and movement. You can do either and they will move. If you stand and do deep rhythmic breathing from the gut for 15 min-without moving-your entire lymphatic system is MOVED and ENERGIZED. We'll do this in class.
Why? Because the LUNGS move your lymphs.
Not your muscles. Well, they help, but truly, it's your lungs.
Your HEART moves your blood
Your LUNGS move your lymphs
Most of us think that you have to MOVE your body to get your lymphs pumping...but that's not true/not only true. People in wheechairs can do this breathing and move their lymphatic system just fine.
So, sluggish thyroid-an issue for years with me. When I do the breathing, I get results. WHY I forgot this is really interesting.
Last year after the healing, I started doing this breathing, and I lost fat around my waist, and I increased my bust size, and I felt awesome! I wasn't doing any other exercise. But I was absolutely moving my sluggish lympathic system.
When I stopped, I coincidentally gained volume around my thighs, hips, belly.
You know, I didn't put it together. I went and got a blood test, they put me on thyroid, and a water pill to control the bloating, and those pills were supposed to take care of it. They didn't. They made the problem worse. My mother has been on a diuretic for 20 years or more and is terrified of coming off it.

It didn't help. I didn't lose a pound. Not one. And I didn't lose inches. I didn't want to do high protein, meat was gagging me to even cook, but I didn't know what else to eat! I was very very confused. Very. I didn't want to cook anymore. I totally didn't want to go in the kitchen even! Old past history.
I could rebalance my thyroid with theta but I couldn't seem to get it to hold. Amd it also told me it was fine. FINE. Meant it was doing it's job. The body always thinks that.
It made sense that it was my blood. low iron, low oxygen, low metabolism, low thyroid. Or was it?
Could it ALL be congested bowels from YEARS of high protein eating? I mean YEARS of it??? I always resorted to high protein because it was the only way I dropped weight. Before. Something was way off now. Overloaded liver?
So, this weekend, in addition to the progesterone cream, I drank apple cider vinegar tea.
Trust me, after the first day, you like it. We retrain our tastebuds all the time. Rebecca and CA are noticing that the old sweet stuff is actually TOO SWEET now. Yes.
And actually, my body LOVED IT right away, which tells me that I really listened. Clearly heard the correct thing to do with no mixed signals.
I am still drinking it.
This is Tuesday, i started on Saturday. I've had almost a whole bottle of vinegar.
During the night on the weekend I was waking with swelling in my hands between 1 and 3 am which is the liver cycle. I knew that my liver was working on the congestion and the inflammation. I kept water by my bed and drank it.
This morning
I woke up and realized that I could take my rings off. I hadn't been able to before.
This is Straight inflammation reduction.
My lungs are clear-they had been feeling congested-which is a sign of a stirred up liver btw.
I feel really good. My eyes feel extremely clear. Another sign that my liver is clear.
Why? Because the liver and the eyes are connected. Deeply connected.
We see clearly when our liver is clear.
Our liver clears hormones. When our body starts dumping the toxins-i.e. the imbalance of stored estrogen and progesterone, and it is already stressed-
well the result was the bleed out in my case.
Our liver is so so important. And you know what. I don't agree with Vianna about the liver cleanses. I don't think we should go into a healing crisis. It's why I like the footbaths. But now-I love the apple cider tea.
A bleedout is NOT normal. It is NOT ok. And it's not OK that we are told it is.
Yes women bleed. A reasonable amount. Our hormonal balance is our brain chemistry.
If you choose, keep a detailed MOOD diary for yourself. Straight moods. NOTICE how you feel. Document it rather than trying to control it, or run from it. Tune IN to it. That's what the shamanic work is. TUNING IN, not out.
I started to feel agitated, and irritable, and I wasn't sleeping.
All signs of a drop in ESTROGEN.
Ok. But I am estrogen dominant. I have TONS of estrogen. What else is going on?
Well, I could be estrogen dominant because I am not producing enough progesterone.
Or is it that I am not STORING enough progesterone? See, Progesterone is ALSO stored in fat cells, but if our oestrogen receptors are taking up all the cellular space-then we can't store progesterone-unless we get more fat cells....could our bodies be trying to do that?
See I think our bodies are doing the best they can with what they have.
What is clogging up and confusing the estrogen receptors?
Well, how about the xenoestrogens and synthetic estrogens that mimic the same molecular structure? Our bodies are being tricked. Surprise.
By going raw, we are getting our bodies to clear the clogged cells and attach to phytoestrogens which come from leafy vegetables and good fats like the omega 6s from food sources-yams, avocados, flax, coconut. These then feed our bodies with exactly the nutrients that we need. Exactly what feeds us. But it takes up to 3 mns for those new improved cellular generations to cycle in-and several cellular rotations for the future generations to recognize and prefer the phytoestrogns. So, keep doing the raw. GOOD GOOD GOOD.
here's the biggest of the food myths-no fat.
we DO have to eat fat. Lots of fat. GOOD fats. Organic olive oil, flax seed oil, UDOs, yes, even though it has omega 6 which we are overloaded in. AVOCADOS, COCONUTS. Exactly what we have been called to eat! Surprise that when we listen our bodies DO know what they need, when we get out of the way.
BAD Omega 6 oils are all the cooked oils, all the vegetable oils. Sunflower, canola, on and on. Anything that has these-like crackers, and packaged foods. Omega 6 goes to estrogens. Omega 3s go to progesterone. Our thyroid LOVES progesterone.
hah. Of Course. It's about our power and progesterone makes us feel more powerful.
Omega 6s are awful for us because they are loaded with rancid cooked omega 6 oils. Lots of them. Omega 6 converts to estrogen, and clog us up. We are supposed to have much more omega 3 than 6, but our modern diet, since the 1940s has shifted us into a predominance of processed foods which means a predominance of omega 6 and lower and lower omega 3s.
Omega 3s convert to progesterone by the way, and our thyroid-LOVES PROGESTERONE. But in our country, women especially have low functioning thyroid. NOT to mention that the medical community considers it normal and natural for us to have a DECLINING thyroid function as we get "oler". Piss on that. Why??? What is normal and natural about having less vital life force?
We get our energy and the get up and go from progesterone. And our thyroid is our metabolism and it loves progesterone. So, what do they give "perimenopausal" women? ESTROGEN therapy. Hmmmmm
We get our sluggish want to sit from estrogen and estrogen dominance leads to insulin resistance.
While we need both, we need them in the correct ratio. And HRT increases our heart disease and cancer rates which are now the two leading causes of death in women in our country.
Ok-so lots of information fast.
If you want to experiment gently-
add the apple cider vinegar for a week and let me know what happens to your intestines and bowel movements.
Do this BEFORE you submit to a colonic. Just try it. Just try it.
I am passing some interesting really DARK colors that I haven't eaten so more than you want to know! :)
And I am dropping the bloat.
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