Thursday, February 1, 2007

I Hope Nobody is Grossed Out, But...

I'd like to talk about poop. If you feel queasy about the subject, please don't read any further!

I think the subject is germane here, considering all we've learned about our colons and digestion, etc. The last straw on the camel's back for me and my health issues before going raw, was a few months of shame filled, extremely uncomfortable constipation and the subsequent hemorrhoids. Bleh! How gross. I've been watching my poop change as I've transitioned toward raw over the last 30 days. At first the food went in and came out looking unchanged, it was actually recognizable upon exiting my body, oh, hey, there's the carrot I ate 10 hours ago! I think my body wasn't able to break down anything at that point. I think I was starving to death. How bizarre, to think I was always so hungry and eating eating eating, but not getting any nutrients because my poor body couldn't break down or use what I was eating.

I was taking acid reflux meds, so obviously I didn't have the right stuff sloshing around in my stomach to even begin digestion. And Wendy's provided the bulk of my calories, so of course my poor digestive system had a little X over each eye and was pushing up daisies. A couple of days into eating raw food I noticed that I didn't need the acid reducers, so I quit taking them. I had about a week of iffy borderline almost, but not quite heartburn, but that soon went away too. A few days after getting off the acid reducers, my hemorrhoid disappeared as well. On our list of "You Might Be a Shaman If..." your poop floats. Well, my poop never floats. It's still doesn't float. But at least it isn't recognizable as specific foods anymore. Now here's the thing I'd like to know if anyone else has experienced, I think I've seen the bad, dark impacted matter from my colon being carried out. Is that even possible? Is that why my poop doesn't float?

Over all, I'm quite pleased that my poop is looking so good these days. I've looked at it all my life, so I knew when things were bad, and I can recognize it now that things are getting better. I'm one of those people that kind of wants to know what going on with me. I turn around and look. Anybody else?


Joy! said...

Poop is a big deal! And we SHOULD look! You know that in the orient there are poop readers? Absolutely! And here too. Why do you think we are asked to give a stool sample? They can tell exactly what is going on inside you from your poop. It's another one of those things AMERICANS have pasturized. LOL

Ok then-floating poops. You WILL have them this next 30. Maybe not every day. If you start eating more fiber-which meaans not just juicing it, too.

Yes, you are moving "stuck icky stuff" out. As you flush more through, your whole system starts to loosen up. There are things you can add-food wise, that will help. Alkalizing, so lemons. Jeruselam artichoke. All the produce "scraps" the walls as it is digested and carries old stuff out with it. It breaks down the pockets.

And, the more bowel movements you start to have is indicative of flow too. If normal was constipation, you should be seeing big changes! And feeling it.

That lower back pain-may mean stuck stuff in the large intestine that is being worked through. It may be showing you where you physically hold issues, as well as showing you where you physically hold gunk on your intestinal walls.

When my lower back suddenly starts hurting now-I usually am in process of passing something. You can feel your body working. And that ALSO MEANS emotional. As that stuck stuff is moved in your large intestines-it has memories.

That transverse colon is energetically connected to heart and lungs. Remember I said last night I found that unborn part tracking the congestion in my lungs to my heart? I had been having lower back pain too. It all is in syncopation! We just haven't been understanding the language!

Notice when you feel yukky-and then it clears after you go to the bathroom? And I mean feel yukky emotionally as well. Crabby, bitchy, snappy, and then magic!

Pay attention to your poops, absolutely! Eat color, eat seeded fruits for roughage too. So add raspberries, blackberries, excellent for you.

I know when I start craving celery I need more roughage. I just do. It literally scrapes out the insides of our intestinal tract because the fiber doesn't "digest". I think it's a perfect thing though because it's like nature's little brillo pads to get in those twists and turns!

Notice color changes too. Yes, if your body can't break something down it still looks like itself in your poop. Like corn. Many people can't digest corn. Cooked or raw. It goes right through.

Joy! said...

AND DRINK MORE WATER! That's no joke when they say it flushes your intestinal tract.