Thursday, February 22, 2007


Okay, so sleeping last night was absolutely miserable for me. Too much protein, I think. Could that be the reason? Too much protein causes inflammation, right? I had eggs and Prosage links for dinner last night. I could hardly sit still in class. God! I hate inflammation! It makes me hurt everywhere. Uggh! Joy, or anyone, can you summarize what you know about inflammation? What causes it, how does one get rid of it? I mean, are there specific foods or vitamins that are super terrific at getting rid of it? Whatever it is, I want to consume a vat of it. I know that eating raw food works, but as a typical American I'm looking for immediate relief. Go body, go! Raw, raw, raw! (Instead of rah, rah, rah!) Hee.

Like Joy said, at least I know why I feel terrible. There is no wondering if I'm catching a cold or getting the flu. I know it's because I've been eating too much cooked food, and probably too much protein.

Please, Body, please don't abandon me before I get this figured out!

1 comment:

Joy! said...

Don't eat animal protein, wheat products, sugar.

Your body is being rock bottom honest with you.
Listen to it.
When you feed and do what works-you know it.
THis is just a perfect response.

Was cooking eggs and sausages easier than rawish? I'm just curious. I did the same last night. I went home and cooked eggs and had it with avocado and a tortilla. It was NOT easier than eating raw. I noticed myself doing it and thought "ok, let's see how this goes down..."

Not well! I slept well but woke congested again and this time with a headache. For a tortilla??? Not worth it.