Recipe: Beet salsa
4 good size beets (about one bunch in the store)
1 red onion
olive oil
s, p, a splash of apple cider vinegar
Cut the green tops off, and save them for juicing.
Gently clean the beets. The skin is tender, so don’t be too rough with them. You can shred them raw in the food processor or you can cook them gently for about 20 min. Put a dash of vinegar in the water. You want them still firm but partially cooked.
Rinse them and let them cool off.
Then wearing rubber gloves, peel the skin off and put them in the food processor, along with the red onion and the rest of the ingredients. Let it set for about 20 min.
You can use this with any vegetables as a fresh raw salsa.
You can use it with lettuce for rollups
You can add cut up potatoes for a great potato salad.
I liked mine over baked squash. Wow was this pretty.
Guess what! “Cook beets lightly-heat destroys the anti-cancer nutrients in beets”. Add lemon juice or a swig of vinegar to the water. Oh and wear gloves because they stain, and you want to peel them AFTER you lightly cook.
You can grate them and eat raw, you can add them to soups. You can add them to vege juice, only a quarter of a beet will do ya.
You can marinate fresh steamed beet in lemon juice, olive oil and garlic with a dash of fresh oregano-perfect!
Nutritionally, beets have B vitamins, are an excellent source of folate, and a very good source of manganese and potassium. Also, C, iron, copper and phosphorus all get a “good” rating. But guess what, that “can” of beets-has corn fructose AND sugar added and nutritionally – it’s all 0%. Yep. 0% source of iron. Hmmmm. According to the can label-it has NO nutritional value.
Toss the cans-grab the fresh and some rubber gloves. Oh and if you are doing fresh-get the beets WITH the tops and juice those greens. Apparently they have even more nutritional value than the root. Enjoy!
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