Saturday, February 3, 2007

Tristan and Isolde

Has anyone seen this movie? I rented it for a nice Saturday afternoon romance. Now earlier I happened to be researching hormones (wonder why) and the female brain. I get this really interesting article from Yale and it says that language develops in multiple areas in the female brain, and that women are more attuned to facial expressions, nuances of communication and tonal qualities EVEN AS BABIES. It just develops earlier. That even as early as a year old the girl babies respond with more depth of understanding as to the nonverbal clues too. She gets it. But she also talks. And talks. A lot more than him.

Women use 20,000 words a day on average, and men use 7,000. I told Jon this and he smiled smuggly and said "not even that many around here." I agreed~

I was just finishing the movie and wham. The scene where the King is asking them separately, WHY! WHY did they betray him? He doesn't get it, and he really really wants to know!

First he goes to Tristan-nothing. Not a word. He asks, he yells, he accuses. Tristan looks sorrowly bu doesn't say a line! Nada. Not one word comes out of his mouth. No explanation, no self defense, no rational. Nope.

Then the King goes to Isolde's dungeon. Wham. She gives him blow by blow their entire history. "Since before you thought he was dead". She leaves nothing out. All the details.

I'll be damned! It's true! Even in the movies, she talks and he doesn't!

But she senses she has an opportunity to make it clear. Tristan doesn't get it.
So she is sensitive to the subtle art of communication that misses Tristan totally. I don't know why this fascinates me tonight but it does. It's about the value of our communication is the response we get. Are we clear?
And what level are we really communicating to?

If you have someone in front of you that is really angry with you...are you trying to communicate with the angry part that is out front, or are you trying to communicate with the heart? Do we communicate with the person they are showing us, or do we reach in and communicate with the deeper part of them? Who are we really communicating with, and as women, are we expecting that men do the same thing? Is that why we are disappointed with communication? They are communicating with the front, and we are expecting that they can communicate with the nuances that we "think" are obvious?

WOW this really makes sense to me if even at a year of age a girl can do this-and a boy can't...just can't!

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