Has anyone developed a quick efficient way of washing veggies? Some kind of process I can adopt? Is rinsing with tap water suffient or am I supposed to use some kind of soap or something else? Do you let your veggies air dry or do you dry everything in the salad spinner or with a towel?
How do you all wash your veggies?
I purchased some Evert Fresh Veggie bags from Wild Oats. They are supposed to keep produce good longer in the fridge. I'll let you know if it works.
Well I wash mine 2-3 times just with tap water. Especially the spinach. Man is it dirty!
I soak them for awhile, sort of slosh them around in the water, then pour that off, soak again, while I'm doing other thngs. Keeps them crunchy too. Then shake the water off, lay them on towels on the counter. I wash enough for a couple of days and put them in zip locks.
Let me know if those bags work.
ive hooked up a water purifier to my faucet because nyc water isnt good for you...i buy only organic veggies so i rinse them off and then use them...i dont go crazy about cleaning them but i do make sure to only buy organic veggies thats just one thing i choose to do i can taste the difference and am willing to spend more..i also have a list that i will publish of veggies and fruits you should really avoid non-organic because of what they spray and the skin and how pourous they are to the chemicals...i do however also someitmes buy from farmers markets low spray or only spray when needed but certain veggies/fruits...
on a good day the ideal for me would be to fill a sink with purified water and let the veggies float around ... then dry them and put them in those bags you mentioned -- those do really work those green bags...the raw school i went to uses them too they do extend shelf life but veggies must be dry i believe going in to last longest...
again i dont go crazy about it --- i know people that buy that veggie wash which is just food grade hydrogen peroxide in water solution--and for some veggies with skins and lettuces its ok especially for non-organic- but i just think for me my number one is buying organic or local low or no spray produce...
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