Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Anyone up for dinner at Living Cuisine Tomorrow?

Hey would anyone like to meet for early dinner tomorrow at Omar's?
It would be when Joy and I finish for the day so whatever time that is JOY???


Rebecca said...

Count me in!

Joy! said...

Good. Hopefully everyone else will read this, and if they don't we won't babysit. Lauren, we can go right after class. So, Rebecca, give me a cal, we finiish around 4pm. That should give Omar time to not cook! :)

Joy! said...

Remember Lauren, the rest of us have class that evening at 6pm too. So early is the ticket.

Rebecca said...

Okay, should be around 4:30, then right? I'll call after 4 PM.

Joy! said...

Awesome food as usual from Omar's. I LOVE his food!